Todoroki entered the room, to find Midoriya wide awake. 

"Morning sweetie. Sorry I left. I was hungry and thought you might be too. I got your usual from the Ashido cafe. 

"Oh Shoto. You shouldn't have." Midoriya said, trying to sound polite, but Shoto saw the glint of hunger in his eyes. 

"I wanted to. Here."  He pulled out a bag and handed it to Izuku, who then proceeded to pull out a bento box and caramel latte. 

"I love you Shoto." he thanked before digging into his food. 

Shoto giggled at the childish response. "I love you too." He said before beginning to eat his soba noodles and sip on his iced tea. 

The two heroes ate in a comfortable silence until Midoriya remembered something from yesterday. 

"Hey, how come you knew that girl's name? Tahana I mean." Midoriya questioned, gulping down the last bit of his bento box. 

"Oh she was the white wolf that attacked you. She has two wolf forms. I fought her in her weaker wolf form, with the bronze and gold coloured fur. She ended up being betrayed by Uravity during the fight with her a few days ago. Uravity yelled out her name due to her desperation to keep you hidden. In the end Tahana became her human self to fight back and ended up helping us defeat Uravity." Shoto explained. 

"Ah... I see. That explains why you wanted her to become a hero." Midoriya concluded. 

"Uh huh." 

"Oh also, I have some news." Izuku exclaimed. 

Todoroki placed down his empty dish and turned to his boyfriend raising an eyebrow. 

"I'm being released today!" Midoriya flashed a close-eyed smile, making Todoroki's heart beat faster. 

"That's great!" Shoto tackled Izuku, forcing him to lie on his back on the bed. 

"I can't wait to make you mine once again." Todoroki whispered, his voice husky. He leaned back and chuckled when he saw Izuku's cute blush. 

They once again got lost in each others eyes, the feeling of losing themselves never getting old - until they were interrupted by a knock on the door. 

Todoroki jumped off Midoriya, allowing him to sit up. 

"Come in." Midoriya called, his voice sounding better than yesterday. 

The door was opened to reveal a camera man and a reporter. 

"Hello heroes. I apologize for the intrusion, but I'd like an interview with both of you." She sounded rather friendly. 

Todoroki and Midoriya nodded simultaneously. The news reporter directed the camera man to his place before sitting on the chair beside the hospital bed. 

"We will be live in three... two Go" The camera man instructed. 

"Hello and welcome to 'Asa no Nihon' (A/N Morning Japan) and today we are joined by number one and two pro heroes Deku and Shoto for an exclusive interview." 

Deku and Shoto nodded their heads in acknowledgement towards the camera. 

"So I'd like to ask a few questions about myself about the fight that occurred several days ago before I go onto questions the public have asked." 

"Fire away." Deku flashed his signature grin. 

"Okay first question. What was the worst part about the whole ordeal for both of you?" 

Shoto spoke first. "I'd have to say that it was the inner fight between Tahana and Uravity. It was rather awkward to be in the middle of." His voice monotonous as always.

"I hate to admit it, but I'd have to say the torture. While it didn't last that long, it felt like i was walking through hell. My head still hurts from the tears..." Midoriya shuddered slightly, remembering the whole ordeal. 

Shoto was able to wrap an arm around Midoriya's waist unnoticed by the others in the room besides Midoriya. 

"Interesting. Next question. Do you believe you acted rationally Shoto?" 

"Honestly no. But to be fair, it wasn't my plan. However I was too blinded by my own self disappointment to come up with something else..." Todoroki admitted, struggling to keep his head held high. 

The questions continued and very soon it got to the questions from the public. 

One consisted of them wanting to see the claw marks on Todoroki's back, which he surprisingly showed. 

Another consisted of people questioning to know why Midoriya was unconscious for so long, to which he explained the energy serum which forced him to stay awake during the torture. 

These type of questions continued until it came to one particular question. 

"Are you aware that TnT and Red Riot have recently confessed to the public about their romantic relationship?" 

Curiosity grew in the two males' eyes to which it was responded with the questions from the same news reporter. 


"Okay first question, Are you and Red Riot in a romantic relationship?" She asked a little nervous.

"Yes. You got a problem with that?!" He began to get agitated now.

"No no of course not.... Um... Final question... Do you know whether Shoto and Deku are in a relationship?" She asked, her eyes showing a small sign of fright.

Bakugo froze. He had to think carefully about the words he replied to this. He cleared his throat before speaking.

"I know something. But I don't believe it is my place to say anything around that matter. Now if you will excuse me." With those final words he entered the back of the ambulance behind Froppy, Red Riot and Pinky - closing the door before being driven to the hospital.

*End Video*

The reporter looked at the two males, that same question on the tip of her tongue. 

"So, is it true? Are you two in a romantic relationship?" The news reporter asked rather gently. 

Shoto and Izuku looked at each other, the same plan running through their heads. They leaned forward, closing their eyes and connecting their lips. They blocked out any sound, including the squeal of the news reporter at the action.

They disconnected after a short while, turning back to the reporter. 

"Does that answer your question?" Deku asked, his signature smile shining on his face. 

"Yes. Yes it does! It is confirmed people of Japan. The top two pro heroes Deku and Shoto are indeed in a romantic relationship." 

And the world erupted in cheers of support and acceptance. 

"Thank you for your time heroes. We shall leave you alone." The reporter winked before leaving the room with the camera man close behind her. 

"I'm so glad we don't have to hide it any more." Deku sighed. 

"Me too." Shoto agreed, lying down on the bed, dragging his boyfriend with him. 

"I can't wait until later." Shoto purred, once again causing that adorable blush to return to Izuku's cheeks. 

Peace was just around the corner for the two males.

Save Me, Pleaseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें