Facts are still sketchy even for the sentients, but basically space was renamed bright because the proton radial signature in this region of space. The constant light waves of its near by star, Alex 18.

Soon it would be the source of amplification, a new form of science built upon its radial signature.

It would be the sentients to first figure out how to harness it, allowing for near perfect teleportation of bright enabled ships, of which Frank's ship, the Maddox, would be one the first.

Colonists however slowly began to call upon the bright in every part of their lives almost as if it was a deity of sorts. Now a few hundred years later, the Tribe of Bright was common.

"Done.. where we at?" the woman said emerging from the hatch, she was tall and unlike most females he'd been with before.

She was nondescript in nature, not revealing too much. Her dark eyes penetrated him with the degree of familiar he was accustomed to. A kind of calculating mind to mind effect.

She was all business.

"Likewise..." Frank replied finishing the calc.

"You're sure?" she said as if to hold on to a few more moments of consideration. A moment shared as the mosaic of shattered souls continued to swirl outside.

"Yes, we're ready for the next move." He said with a smile.

Frank was of medium build himself. He looked human, yet he wasn't she noted to herself.

Catching her gazing pause out the bay window he turned her in step and said "Ya know in another life we'd be quite the pair..."

Her eyes blinked slowly as he attempted the calc, could he figure her?

Unflinched she brushed past him and proceeded down the corridor to the connection block.

"Unlikely.. " she said turning the lock door as sweat dropped from her brow, the view of the Maddox connecting tube tunnel in sight.

"You've never lived.." she said pulling the heavy door open.

Frank stopped in his tracks and chuckled. He was well behind the curve on this one.

"You're right.. figure of speech, I forget.." He said. Humanity informing the lack of humanity, thats life. Did he ever live? What was it to be alive? Passage of time?

She raced down the connecting tube, time was of the essence. Right behind her was Frank. Arriving at the Maddox door she pressed the connect selector and a compression wall raised behind them. Sealed, the Maddox opened its interior doors and allowed entry.

Frank nodded as he darted past her and climbed into the command console bridge.

"Ya know this has never been done before... " he said wiring himself into the console.

Free floating light like wires connected to his skull and wrists showing the metal interior of his mind.

"You should have plenty of energy for two jumps..." she said taking seat in a secondary console chair well behind him.

"You said this was possible." she said looking up at him as he floated in the space, held by the light.

"Its all with assumptions..." Frank said as he looked down past his legs into the bright pouring into the front command console view bay. Few could stare directly into Alex 18 like he could. His eyes were synthetic.

"Not all data can be calculated with precision. We have to believe." he said as his eyes went from human like pupils to a constant glow of blue green as he interfaced with the Maddox.

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