Chapter 4: Beat Up

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I sit in the library reading one of my favorite books. I sip on my juice box enjoying the orange taste lingering on my taste buds. Today was thankfully Friday, which means no school tomorrow. Which means a day off of getting beat up.

I hear some loud chattering and the librarian quieting the chattering but it didn't stop. My eyes widened, spotting Corey and Jake roaming around. I quickly stood up and grabbed my things before quietly hiding behind a bookcase.

As they approached, I kept heading in the opposite direction in which I couldn't get caught. Until I reached a dead end.

"Shit." I mumbled to myself about to go back the way I came but it was too late. "Got the rat trapped in the rat trap." Corey laughed as he and Jake appeared ahead of me. Surprisingly, Sam wasn't with them.

I walked backwards, looking for another way out until my back hit the bookcase. "C-Corey please." I plead out but he just laughed again. "Wimp." He muttered and punched me hard in the stomach.

I yelped out in pain and clutched my stomach, the hit going straight into my former bruise. They started hitting and kicking me until I ended up huddled up on the ground. "You can't get away that easy." Jake laughed and kicked the bookcase behind me causing books to fall over me.

Suddenly, Corey was ripped away from me and pushed backwards. "Get out of here. I'll deal with him." A voice said approaching. Corey and Jake walked off, sharing a high five as they laughed.

I whimpered as Sam walked over and crouched down to my level. I flinched, accidentally hitting my head in the wooden case. "Only I get to hurt you." Sam said lowly before nudging my side so I was laying on my back.

He chuckled and stood up before walking off to join his friends. I probably look horrible right now. I have a black eye forming, a bloody nose and a ripped shirt. My body felt weak and in pain, but I got used to it by time.

"Colby!" I heard a gasp before some hurried footsteps. Brennen got down to my level and quickly helped me up. "Who did this to you? I was looking for you but couldn't find you anywhere." Brennen said, letting me use him as a support.

"J-Jake and C-Corey." I coughed out when everything around me turned into a blur. "B-Brennen.." I whispered before I blacked out.

->Time Skip<-

I stir awake, my head pounding in pain as well as my body. My eyes fluttered open, the sudden light blinding me. I squinted and cleared my vision before slowly propping myself up.

I looked around my surroundings and realized I was in quite a nice house actually. "Hey hey hey, slow down there." A voice said softly before someone ran over. Then I realized it was Brennen.

He helped me sit up straight and quickly handed me some Advil and a glass of water. I gratefully took it and gulped down the water. "W-What happened? I don't remember m-much." I mumbled, wincing as I held my head in pain.

"You got beat up." Brennen sighed and I nodded slowly. "Going to the nurse was one of my options but they're basically useless. So I brought you back home when you blacked out." Brennen said again, when I noticed a bowl of water and a cloth inside placed aside.

"T-Thank you Brennen." I said quietly and he nodded slowly. "No one would h-have done what you did. So thanks again." I said again and he furrowed his brows in sympathy. He sighed and nodded before standing back up.

"Do you need a ride home? It's pretty late and I think your mom is worried about you." Brennen said and I glanced up at the clock, my eyes widening. "It really is late. I-It's fine, I-I can walk home." I said and tried standing up, failing miserably.

"That is if you can even stand. I'll walk you." Brennen chuckled and helped me stand up. He placed my arm over his shoulder and began walking towards the door. He swung it open and helped me out until we reached the road.

"We won't make it." Brennen huffed and picked me up, making me squeak. I blushed lightly embarrassed as Brennen chuckled and sprinted across the street. He placed me down on my door step and rang the door bell.

We heard hurried footsteps approaching the door before it was swung open. "Oh my goodness." My mom gasped and quickly helped Brennen into getting me inside. They laid me down on the couch and made sure I was comfortable, which was quite funny really.

"Did you do this to my baby?" Mom asked as she faced Brennen, frowning. "W-What? No ma'am." Brennen said politely, shaking his head. "Mom.. He didn't do this." I assured, holding her hand as she and Brennen towered above me.

I propped myself up, Mom quickly helping. She looked back at Brennen and mouthed a thank you before he had to leave. Once the door shut, Mom sat by me, caressing my cheek. "My poor baby." She whispered and placed a long kiss on my head.

"I'm okay mom. I just need some sleep and I'll b-be fine." I sent an assuringly smile, not wanting to worry her. She nodded and sent a small smile before helping me up to my room.

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