The Ups and Downs

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      The characters on this fanfiction belongs to Andrew W. Marlowe. I'm just playing with his characters.

  -Castle's POV-

        It's been two months since we informed about Kate pregnancy. It was a tough one. Well maybe telling my Mother, Alexis, and Jim were easy. But telling the precinct didn't go so well. Gate's wasn't very happy about "loosing" her best detective for a few months when Kate is going to labor. But still, she congrats us with a smile on her face. Javi and Ryan were crazily happy about it. They even threatened to kill me if I don't take care of Kate well. Do I ever not?

        Kate has been having morning sickness lately. It has been driving her crazy. One day, she was interrogating her best-one shot-suspect with me. And suddenly she felt so nauseous. Until she couldn't help it anymore and then she excuse herself, leave me alone with the confused suspect. Fortunately, Javi came and we interrogated the suspect together. And voila, we get the guy with Kate behind the interrogation room. Kate a bit upset that day after she closed the case .

        But I'm very excited in the idea of having the idea of having another child. Think about it, having the little version of Kate, or maybe a little version of me. It could be a very interesting experience.

        "Castle?" ask Kate, interrupting my thoughts.

        "Yeah?" I said, smiling.

        "I'm hungry. Let's get some pancakes?" Kate tied her hair then got up slowly.

        "Breakfast for supper?"

        "Mmhmm," Kate opened the door. "You coming?"


        Fifteen minutes later, we're filling ourselves with a stack of pancakes and waffles. "You enjoy it?"

        "Mmhmm. Thanks for always there for me in every conditions," Kate held my hand with her sweet smile.

        "Always, Love," I said, kissing her slowly.


        -Five Months Later-

        "Babe, where are you?" I asked with a worried tone.

        "Sorry, Castle. I still have paperworks to do. I'll be home by dinner?" she said coyly.

        "I'm on my way there, okay? I'm just a few blocks from the precinct," I said. As a matter of fact, I have a surprise for her. I just bought a bouquet of purple roses, her all-time-favorite. And I want to take her to a fancy Italian restaurant. She's gonna love it.

        "Watch me doing paperworks? Won't you be bored?" asked Kate, giggling. (or teasing maybe.)

        "No, I won't. I'll be there in 10. Bye!"

        "Okay. Love you."

        "Love you, too."

        I put the bouquet into the passenger seat and then buckled myself up the seat belt. I can't wait for my dinner plan tonight. Kate has been so busy recently. There were serial killers, a psychopath, a zombie, and batmans. No, no. I'm just kidding. But the fact of Kate busy is so true. But I always accompany her when I don't have any book appointment, book tours, etc.

        10 minutes later, I arrived at the precinct. The precinct  was a bit quiet than usual. Maybe because it was already twilight. I walked slowly towards Kate's chair. She was doing paperworks all right. I tip-toed, with the bouquet in my left hand and after I got near her, I closed her eyes.

        "Who's this?" teased Kate.

        "Your ruggedly handsome husband, Detective Castle," I said with a laugh.

        "Speak for yourself, Castle," Kate laughed. I always love it when we call each other with our maiden names. We haven't used to call each other with our first names.

        Slowly I opened her eyes and give her the flower bouquet. Kate shrieked. "Oh my gosh. Babe, it's so beautiful. Thank you!"  and I'm awarded with a quick kiss on my cheek. "I love you so much!"

        "I love you most," I smiled happily. "Where are the boys?"

        "I don't know. Went for some doughnuts maybe. They have to do some paperworks too," said Kate, still focusing her papers.

        "Better finished it quickly. I still have surprise for you," I slightly grin.

        "What surprise? But, okay. Just give me ten more minutes,"said Kate.

        "Yo, Castle!" suddenly Javi and Ryan came with a bag of doughnuts and croissants. "How long have you been here?"

        "I just arrived. Enjoy your paperworks," I teased.

        "Ha.Ha. So funny, Castle. Teasing us like that," said Ryan looked pissed. "Well Beckett, I see if you got a date tonight. Just leave your paperworks there. We'll finish it."

        "Really? No. Yours are quite a lot too. I don't want to burden you guys," said Kate, seems worried.

        "No, we're meant it. Go with him already. Bye, Beckett!" Javi laughed and waved his hand.

        "Okay, then. If you guys said so. Bye, guys!" Kate took her coat with a big smile on her face. "Let's go, Castle!"

        "Shall we?" I held out my hand.

        "Yup!" and she held mine.

        We were laughing all the way down to this Italian restaurant. When Kate found out about my surprise, she felt pleased. The dinner was a success. We had been on some arguments sometimes these days. Maybe because of her pregnancy hormones. I don't want to blame her. Because I'm also tired with my new book promotion. Another Nikki Heat kind-of novel.

        Kate really enjoyed the dessert. She and I ordered many kinds of desserts. We ordered a semifreddo, a type of ice cream cake. Also a cannoli, and many others. It cost me big bills but that was worth it. We had a nice talk and Kate seems in a very good mood. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me.


        What do you think? I want you guys to vote. Do you want a boy or a girl for their first child?         You can message me and also can suggesting some plot to me. Dont forget to review and         vote because I'll really appreciate it. Sorry for the wrong grammars. :)


Hello, Baby! : A Story Of Richard Castle and Kate Beckett ParenthoodKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat