l-you finally changed her for once 

d-shutup anyways have fun with teddy bye leilani bye baby 

leilani laughed cuz he knew you called gio teddy 

l-wow he's so annoying 

this is what zarina was wearing 

l-come zarina lemme do your hair 

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l-come zarina lemme do your hair 

i did her hair like this 

oh btw diego was wearing this 

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

oh btw diego was wearing this 

i heard a knock on the door and it was gio

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i heard a knock on the door and it was gio


i jumped into his arms 

g-hey beatiful 

he laughed 

l-bye leilani 

she waved 

we were walking when i saw alex josie and diego josie and deigo WERE HOLDING HANDS 

l-yo WTH!! 

g-danm what happened chill 

he said laughing 

l-this shit is not funny 

l-my brother and bsf are holding hands 

g-so what 

i punched him in his shoulder 

g-wth wh-ooo you got my hoodie on

l-shut up gio

g-im sorry baby 

he kisses me 

[i decided that you and gio are secretly dating ok ok]

he holds my hand and we walk to school and everyone was staring 


they turned back to what they were doing 

then vereena came up to me 

v-well well well,if it isnt miss slut everyone knows about your past 

then i saw a pic on the wall and it was me in the mirror with my nude body 

i frozed i knew who gave her that photo it was brandon 

i went up to him and slapped him 

and he grabbed me and was about to slap me when gio grabbed me 

g-yo wth 

b-yknow what your lucky luna i will get you one day 

i started to tear up 

g-hey you o-

i just ran off crying 

g-hey luna wait 

end of pov 

gio pov 

i ran after her and knocked on her stall 

g-baby you ok 


she was crying so hard it broke my heart 

g-baby come out 

l-i-i-i c-cant 

g-baby please 

l-gi-gi-gio le-le-leave 

g-baby im-


i kinda flinched and was shook 

i left out feeling like shit for leaving her i felt like this was all my fault i was crying until diego and alex came up to me 

a-hey dude you chill 


d-aye why so mighty 

g-IM NOT MI-i i just- why alex why *whispers* vereena 

a-i have to stay with her or else my mom will get taken or sum shit i cant deal with that 

g-oh ok sorry dude 

a-forgives bro 

he dapped me up and he went on to first period 

me and diego went to our first class 

end of pov 

luna's pov 

i saw josie  and gave her a hug 

j-im sorry baby 

i cried in her shoulder 

j-hey we should head to first class 

j-i got.....history you 


j-oh shit i feel bad alex has that class 


j-i will bye 


i walk into the class and see alex.....ughh 

that was chapter one peace i dont feel like doing questions 

my next door neighbor//A.GOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora