If I Had Known (Sam x Reader)

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, absolutely," Sam says.

"I'm not sure we should tell her who you really are," you tell him, "I don't know if she's ready for that yet."

"I understand," Sam says, "I won't say anything, I promise." You give him a smile before walking past him, encouraging him to follow.

"Samantha," you say gently, "There's someone I want you to meet." She looks up from her homework, looking first at you and then Sam. "This is my friend, Sam," you tell her, "We used to hunt together before you were born."

"Your name is Sam?" she asks him.

"Yeah," Sam says as he moves closer, "And you're Samantha?"

"My Mom calls me Sam sometimes," she says, "Or Sammie, you can call me Sammie if you want."

"It's nice to meet you Sammie," Sam says, extending his hand across the table. Samantha takes his hand and shakes it.

"I'm going to make dinner," you announce, "Sam, would you like to join us?"

"Yeah, I'd like that," Sam answers. You smile and nod, ruffling Samantha's hair before beginning to prepare dinner.

"Do you hunt monsters like Mommy and me?" Samantha asks.

"Yeah," Sam answers, "You hunt monsters?"

"Yep," Samantha replies, "Last week, Mommy and I hunted a ghost, he was mean and he hurt people. We burned his bones and now he's gone so he can't hurt people anymore."

"Wow," Sam says, "You're really brave."

"I told Mark about it, but he doesn't believe me," Samantha continues.

"Who's Mark?" Sam asks.

"Mom's boyfriend," she says, you can practically hear her eyes roll, "I think he's stupid."

"Hey," you say, spinning around with a spoon in your hand, "We don't call people stupid, it's rude."

"Sorry," Samantha says. You turn back around and continue cooking, watching the two of them over your shoulder. Samantha leans across the table, as if she's being sneaky, and begins whispering to Sam. "He is stupid," Samantha repeats, "He tells me monsters aren't real and that I shouldn't be afraid, but I'm not afraid and monsters are real."

"Well Mark sounds awful," Sam whispers.

"He is," Samantha agrees. The two of them whisper quietly and Sam says something that makes Samantha laugh hysterically. "Are you smart?" Samantha asks out of the blue.

"Well, um," Sam stammers, unsure how to answer.

"Sam is very smart," you tell her, answering for him.

"Could you help me?" Samantha asks, "I don't like math."

"Sure," Sam says. He looks to you before standing from his chair. Moving around the table, he takes a seat next to Samantha and takes a look at the paper she's been scribbling on. You watch the two of them as you cook. Keeping a secret as large as this from Sam for all this time had killed you. There were so many times when you considered telling him, but fear had stopped you. Now you could see that you shouldn't have been afraid. They'd only just met, yet there was an instant connection between them.

When dinner is ready, you give Sam and Samantha a plate of food before joining them at the table. Sam asks you about the hunt you're on and you tell him everything you know, Samantha helping you to fill in the details. "Any idea where it'll attack next?" Sam asks.

"Not really," you answer, "The attacks seem random. That's why I called Dean for help. I was hoping he could see something I couldn't."

"Let me do some research," Sam says, "I'll try to find some sort of connection between the victims."

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