I feel myself giggle a bit more, perhaps due to hysteria, but I don't care. It feels so good to laugh a bit.

The shadow man, Kurogiri, turn to me, an amused sparkle in his eye, as Shigaraki-san sulks into the room. The blue haired man slumps over the bar. Kurogiri goes and pours a glass of water for him. Slowly, Shigaraki turns to face me.

"You see, I have been thinking..." he starts.

"Thats a first." Chuckles Kurogiri, who is obviously in a joking mood.

Shigaraki just narrows his eyes and continues.
"Normally, with heroes, we would dispose of them, but I have an offer for you."

"An offer?" I say, my voice wavering.

He nods and gets up, taking a couple steps towards me.

"My offer, is for you to join the League of Villians. We could teach you how to control your quirk, and make you more powerful." His eyes are alight with danger, waiting for my response.

Join the League!? Do I really have the willpower to betray UA, no, to betray All Might? But...maybe I could use this, if he is willing to spare me, and offering to aid me with my quirk...

I swallow nervously, my eyes darting towards Kurogiri, who has stopped what he was doing to watch.

"Can....can I have some time to think it over?" I ask.

He nods, and walks back over to the bar.

"I hope you accept." He says, before turning to Kurogiri and starting a hushed conversation.

I hear a door creak open and a black haired man with leathery skin struts in, hands in his pockets. 

"Shig, don't tell me you-" he stops seeing me, annoyance lighting his features. He lets out a tired groan. "I can't believe what Toga said is true. I thought she was lying to get out of watch duty."

"First, don't call me Shig," he snaps. "Second, he attacked me, and third, I can do whatever the fuck I want."

The black haired man narrows his eyes.

"I'm not trying to reign you in, if that's what you're implying, I know you can do whatever, but you were sloppy. Their were witnesses."

Shigarakis looks taken aback, before sliding on an indifferent expression.

"That doesn't matter. I took the back route here, no ones knows our location." He states.

Dabi just sighs. He turns to leave, before giving me a once over.
"At least get him properly confined, you're asking for trouble dammit." And with that he leaves the bar.

Shigaraki starts grumbling and muttering under his breath. From what I catch he is mocking the man who just left.

Kurogiri speaks up,
"Dabi is right about one thing, we need to move your hero somewhere else."

"He's nOt mY-"

"I'm thinking emptying out the office? We could put a mat in their for him." Kurogiri continues a humorous air about him.
"Sure, we'll have to move your games but at least he will be confined."

I can almost see Shigaraki-san bristle.


"Well their is only one other room."

In a flurry of movement, and some childish whining form Shigaraki-san, I find myself not chained to a wall on a couch, but chained to a wall on a mat. I am in, what I assume to be, Shigaraki's room.

It's a rather boring room, nothing like mine. The walls are plain, and are only decorated by one shelf in the corner, where all of Shigaraki-san's hands are displayed. One of them is showing the bird. He has a single bed, next to which is a night stand. If my legs weren't broken I could kick it if I wanted to.

Amidst this plain room is the blue haired v illian himself, visibly upset by my presence. He keeps on spinning around and grabbing random items and shoving them into drawers or putting them out of reach.

"...h-hey, um, Shigaraki-san?" I rasp out.

He whips around to face me, surprised.

"What is it?"

"May I please have water?"

"So now I'm your damn servant too!" Shigaraki exclaims. He storms out and comes back with cup of water and shoves it in my face.
An idea pops into my mind.

Let's see how soft he really is.

I lift my arms, slowly, forcing them to shake. I go to grab the cup with my forced tremble, buts Shigaraki-san clicks his tongue and pulls it away.

"You can't do anything yourself, huh?" He says in a cruel tone.

Suddenly, his hand comes to my throat. He places two fingers under my chin and forces me upwards, placing the cup between my lips. The cool water rushes down my throat, and he pulls the cup away. He tilts my head to face him.

"You really are pathetic." he says, smirking, but am I can hear is my heart pounding in my chest. The spot on my chin where his fingers are feels warm, and my cheeks are flushed. And as pulls his hand away, my head falls foward, and I almost whimper. I have a new goal besides escape.

I want him to touch me.

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