My Hero [AAMU One-Shot Contest Entry]

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"Just jump!" A yelled to her cat above who had gotten stuck in a tree. AAMU!Cat shook her head and stayed on the branch, shaking slightly. A sighed and began to climb the tree. "Fine, I'll just go up and get you myself then... You know we're already late for our date's right?" The cat just nodded and closed her eyes.

Alfred was walking by with his cat, Hero, trotting beside him. "Excited for our dates dude?" Alfred asked his cat. Hero looked up and nodded excitedly. He then looked around and saw A climbing a tree. Hero nudged Alfred's leg as they walked. Alfred looked down at his cat. "What's up?"

"A," Hero pointed to the girl with his tail. Alfred looked over at the tree and saw his awesome girlfriend. He smiled brightly and walked over to the tree.

"Hey A!" Alfred yelled up to her. She looked down and smiled, waving down at him. He waved back as well as Hero. Soon the male cat caught site of his mate and started to climb up the tree.

"Hey Al-" A was cut off when she stepped on a branch and it broke. She soon fell but Alfred being her one and only hero, caught her. And Hero being AAMU!Cat's hero, helped the female cat down the tree and back safely to their owners.

"You okay A?" America asked in a slightly worried tone looking at his girlfriend in his arms. A nodded and kissed Alfred's cheek softly.

"Yes I'm alright, thanks," she smiled and nodded. Alfred smiled back and set her down.

"Then shall we head to the park together for our date?" Alfred asked extending his hand to her. A took his hand and nodded. They both began to walk to the park together with their cat's following close behind.

Once arriving at the park, they seated themselves under Alfred and A's favorite tree. The two lovebirds chatted happily while Hero and AMMU!Cat ran around playing tag. But what they didn't know is that the BTT were stalking them on their date, curious if anything might happen.

"Hey want to got McDonald's afterwards?" Alfred asked A.

"Sure that's-" she was soon cut off by someones yelling.

"WATCH OUT!" The person yelled. A turned around to see a horse running towards her. Alfred once again saved his beloved, pushing her out of the way, luckily the horse jumped over Alfred before colliding with the American. A blonde girl with her hair up and worried green eyes ran up to them panting. "I am... so... sorry!" She apologizing.

"Oh hey Belize- I mean Annabel!" Alfred said looking at the blonde.

"Hello Alfred! Hey A! Sorry! My horse got spooked all of a sudden, bucking me off and bolting off..." She sighed and walked passed them to get Xavier who stopped after jumping over the couple.

"It's okay Anna, as long as know got hurt, that's all that matters," A said getting up and dusting herself off. As she did, she noticed the BTT hiding behind a pretty big bush. "How long had they been there..?" A asked.

"Who?" Alfred asked. A then pointed to the bush. Alfred looked over and the bush and was slightly shock. "Not sure... But what are they doing here?"

"Stalking you two I assume..." Annabel said riding back on her horse. Suddenly an Osprey flew over, landing on the Belizean's shoulder. "Hola Dante!" Anna pet the bird.

"Lets go teach them a lesson then..." Alfred said cracking his knuckles, a slight dark aura surrounding him.

"I don't think that will be necessary Al..." A gave a nervous chuckle and pat her boyfriend's shoulder.

"I'll drive them away for you. Enjoy the rest of your date!" Annabel then whispered something in Spanish to the Osprey who nodded and flew over to the bush, Annabel following close behind. Soon manly scream erupted from behind the bush, the BTT running off while being chased by the osprey and Annabel.

A and Alfred just burst into laughter and took their seats back under the tree. Alfred leaned up against the tree, A sitting beside him and laying her head on his shoulder.

"Thanks Alfred..." A said softly.

"For what?" He asked looking down at her. She looked up at him.

"You saved me twice today... Thanks..."

"Well I love you and I will always be there for you. I will always be your hero!" He said smiling. A smiled back and gently kissed him, Alfred kissing back.

"I love you too Alfred...~"

My Hero[AAMU One-Shot Contest Entry]Where stories live. Discover now