Chapter 48: Finals, part 4

Start from the beginning

Kotohime attacked the ghost but her attacks would go right through them. Seeing that she could not attack the ghost army, she moved to attack the caster. That would be useless as Yakumo's wolves would not allow it. The army was upon her and quickly overwhelmed her. She tried to fight it but she could not. That's when Kotohime began to convulse. Yakumo looked on with worry. She created this genjutsu with the ability to knock her opponents out. What she was seeing, it looked like she was dying. She quickly dispelled her two jutsu and watched as Kotohime twitched on the ground. That's when Guren appeared on the field. She pulled out another syringe and stuck Kotohime. Everyone watched as Kotohime began to slowly stop convulsing. Guren then faced Genma.

"As her sensei, I am withdrawing her for competition." Guren said. Genma nodded and faced the crowd.

"The winner of the match is Kurama Yakumo." Genma said. There were some cheers but they were wondering what was going on with the Oto-nin. Guren took the older teen and placed her over her shoulder. She disappeared in a shower of crystals. Yakumo just walked back to the competitor's box. She gave a happy wave to her family who were cheering her on.


Hiruzen watched with a smile. Team Anko had won all of their fights and had done it with some great skill. They all showed incredible forethought and were prepared with back up plans. It was something that was not done in quite a while but he would be shocked if not all of team Anko weren't promoted to chūnin. Seeing the smile, the Kazekage looked at him.

"Something amusing Hokage?" he asked.

"I'm just happy the Konoha's future will be in good hands. I can truly focus on more important matters." Hiruzen said.

"Oh? If I may ask, what other matters are you speaking about?" he asked.

"Why, correcting the mistake I made all those years ago, my wayward student." Hiruzen stated. There was a reaction from the guards but not from the 'Kazekage'. He just chuckled at the old man. "I wonder what Suna will think when they learn of your betrayal."

"Very good sensei." The voice said, changing to a familiar voice. "Will you reveal my deception?"

"No, I know that you will not launch your attack until you witness Sasuke's match. For now, let us enjoy the complete blunder that you made when you released a talent like Anko. She's done much better at teaching than you." Hiruzen said. Orochimaru just scoffed and turned his attention back to the match.


Outside of the stadium, Guren looked at Kotohime with a frown. Next to her, Kagerō stood and looked at her teammate with concern.

"You are a stupid child. Eight minutes and you went over it. That venom would have killed you if I did not interfere. Did you forget the promise that you made to Midoshi?" Guren chided.

"I... just wanted to win, to defeat that girl. It was why she gave me the venom. I just wanted to make her proud." Kotohime said.

"How can she be proud if you're dead? You swore to her, just like Kagerō, to stay at her side forever. Do not throw your life away for victory." Guren said. Kotohime just nodded and kept her head down.

"What is our next move sensei?" Kagerō asked.

"You two are to get out of the village and return to Oto. You will not participate in this fight. Get out as quick as you can, return to the cave and wait for me to return." Guren ordered.

"Yes sensei." They said and left. When they were out of sight, Guren turned slightly to her left.

"I will assume that they will be let go." Guren asked.

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