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Me" yes that's what I want."

Even saying those words hurt me more then any thing. It was like some stabbing me right through the heart.

Dagger and Dolly look so sad. I did not want Dolly to feel this way. But they put this on them self.

I try my very best but it was no use. I was crying even harder as I watch them walk away.

As soon as they left i collapsed to the floor. Immediately I filled two pairs of arms hugging me.

I was in so much pain. I lost my first love. But I found new love. And that feels amazing.

Then I feel singing in my arm. I look down to see snow licking me.

Winter" it time for cleaning."

From that we went on to a full on make out. But no sex because  knew I was not ready.

But we did do a lot of other things. Those things made me feel really good. After about 2 hours of doing this things. I got really sleepy.

They sent me off to Bed. But they continue what they started. I feel a sleep hearing a lot of moaning. I think that they ended up haveing sex.

The next morning is was the first one up. When I got up I see winter who was a sleep on top of snow.

I decided to join them. So I got on top of snow and winter. Winter let's out a small wine. While on the other hand snow let a moan.

I kissed both of them. Then I watch as they start to get up. The was a big mistake.

Winter hurry and pushed me off. Before I could do any thing snow hurry up and grabbed. He put me on his lap. The snow trap me between them.

Snow" that was a very nice get up call..."
Winter" you little taser."

The day I ran away bxbxbWhere stories live. Discover now