You began to feel heat rushing up to your cheeks "hmmm so this is the one then" you smiled sheepishly.

"Tsk fine just don't distract me all night okay!" He spat causing you to release a light giggle.

"Aren't You gonna get anything?" You hummed as you walked to the till with your dress

"Nah the hag already got me something to wear"

"That'll be ¥3222 please" the lady asked

You noticed he took out his wallet and pulled out some money but you quickly slapped his hand away and pulled out your own.

"What d'ya think you're doin you moron?" He hissed

"I'm paying for my shit" you spoke matter of factly

"No you're not" he grumbled passing the lady the money.

"Too late" you smirked after using contactless card payment.

"Awwww aren't you two the cutest couple the lady smiled as she passed back katsuki's money.


"Tsk shitty girl... why didn't you let me pay you damn nerd?" He growled at you and walked over to the exit

"Because I don't like freeloading" you huffed puffing out your cheeks "besides I have my own money, why would I use yours"

"Because I'm your boyfriend idiot, you're supposed to let me buy you shit"


"Well I'm buying the movie tickets" he smiled down at you

"Cool then I'll buy the food" you smiled back up.

He grabbed your hand and intertwined his fingers with your own as you walked out of the shop. By the time the two of you had finished shopping it was nearing seven o'clock so you both decided it was time to head over to the cinema.

Of course (not to your surprise) the movie he wanted to watch was a horror. From the trailer that you watched when you were waiting for him to get tickets the film was about a girl who gets possessed by a demon that lives in mirrors and almost destroys her family...yay. After he walked back towards you, tickets in hand, you bought two jalapeño hotdogs, two Oreo milkshakes and one huge share box of salted popcorn.

Katsuki managed to get you guys seats at the back, not that it mattered because apart from three others you were the only people in the viewing room. You both got comfortable before the film began. About twenty minutes in the movie became really scary and you found yourself hiding your face in katsuki's arm.

"Hehe you scared?" He taunted you

"Well duh! Her frickin reflection just tried to kill her"

He laughed and lifted the armrest that laid in between you. He gently pulled you into him and pecked the top of your head. You wrapped your arms around his waist and snuggled into his chest.

"Fucking dickhead this shits gonna give me nightmares" You grumbled looking up to the screen.

The film finished at 9:30 and you for one were now terrified of your reflection. Waiting at the bus stop a group of girls walked over. They were all giggling and one even had the cheek to ask katsuki for his number right in front of you as if you didn't fucking exist!

"No." He snapped shooting the girl an icy glare

"Are you sure~" she moaned running her hand up his arm which really pissed you off

'I swear if she keeps ignoring me I'll tear her a new one'

You reached over and grabbed hold of her hand, pulling it off your boyfriend before he could start to yell at her. You could see the mini explosions forming in his palms and that he was trying hard not to bug out.

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