Chapter two

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Lisa’s P.O.V

I turned and looked at the whole cafeteria; everyone was staring at me. I turned and ran out of the cafeteria as fast as my legs could carry me, because I was scared. When I got home that day my adopted parents said they had to fly to their sick cousins, but I knew what really was going on they were going to go on vacation. So I said bye and when to bed. The next morning I woke up at 6:15am had a 10 minutes shower, chose what to wear and put on light make up. I went down stairs had a snack bar for lunch then left for school

. When I got there the parking lot was empty. So I walked to my locker, got my books when into my class and Mrs. Botha saw me and smiled. When the bell rang, everyone was seated. Then there was a sudden knocking at the door. “Hello, Is Miss. Alexander in this class?” asked the policeman. Mrs. Botha said “yes she is here, Lisa stand up please?” I stood up and walked to the policeman, he walked me to the office where my brother Nick stood nervously. “You may need to sit down for this Miss.” I sat down and looked at the policeman as he said the words I will never forget. “I’m sorry to inform you but you parents died on an airplane during impact of a bomb.”  I sat there shocked and let it set in; my adopted parents had been there for me every step of the way, no matter how hard we stuck together so many memories passed through me. Every one made it harder, then I stood up and said “You’re lying to there not dead they can’t be. Please tell me there alive…” then I started to cry my lungs out nonstop, just could not believe it their dead my family I loved for so long. Nick grabbed me and let me cry my heart out. Why did I not stop then? Why was I thinking lies, so I could not have to feel? I loved then both as real parents. I will miss them always. Why could I not save them, I need them… I need them, why did they have to die? “Why not me?” I said. “Because it wasn’t you time sis, it was theirs, it was fate. Don’t blame yourself, your special, you’re unique and you’re everything. You are my baby sister and it’s time to live happy, they would want that.” “You are right. But it still hurts.” I replied.



so heres Chapter Two. tell me what you think im new to this

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