"He's not a person you know." The blonde told the woman as she bent down and gave the moggy a pet. "Isn't that right, Mr. Grumpyton."

"That's not his name. Why is it that you look so particularly... self satisfied right now? You couldn't have had more than five hours sleep."

"No reason." She grinned.

"Oh God, this is a Rachel thing isn't it? I don't want to know."

"I wasn't planning on telling you. Is that pizza still around?"

"On top of the fridge." Izzy pointed to the kitchen. "I got you a large one of your usual."

"Thanks." She said, and left the woman standing by the door.

Quinn thought about Rachel's dream as she grabbed her breakfast. The other girl said that everyone was happy, that they were a family. As she took her first bite, she decided that she should have the talk with the Berry's that she'd been putting off, and as soon as possible.

"You've got tomato sauce on your chin." Izzy told her as she took a slice of Quinn's pizza, before the blonde could stop her.

Quinn wiped a hand over her chin and smiled. "Did I get it?"

"You did."

As the woman turned away from her, she saw a red mark oh her forehead. "What happened to your head?"

Izzy went to look at herself in the metal of the oven. "Ah. Yeah. That's from when Ana hurled the heads at me. It's the fake blood. It turns out, that it isn't that easy to wash off. That's quite the design flaw." She said as she turned back to face the blonde, and then opened up the laptop on the counter. "You promised we could look at more photos.

"Right now?" Quinn asked, and walked over to get the ketchup.

"Ana went back to bed, and I don't know when everyone else will be up." The woman stuck out her bottom lip. "Please!"

"Uch. Fine. But don't try and stop me eating my food." She huffed.

"Trying to stop you eating, would be as dangerous as trying to take an antelope from a lion."

"I think I resent that!"

"Fair enough. It is however, very accurate."

Quinn growled as she grabbed the computer and brought up the album she'd put on there a few hours before, then she pushed it back over to Izzy. "Start looking."

The older Lopez sister rolled her eyes and began clicking.

The pregnant girl let her get on with it, and carried on eating her food while she waited for the woman to find a picture that interested her. She knew it could take a while, as there were quite a few of everyone else's to get through.

As she waited, she thought.

Almost three weeks. That's how long it had been. Almost three weeks since Rachel Berry had become her unexpected white knight. And in that time, so much had happened. It wasn't the first time she'd thought about all the things that she and her friends had been through, and it certainly wouldn't be the last. It was just that it truly amazed her when she did think about it. In nineteen days she had gone from barely standing to be in the same room as Rachel, to loving her, and wondering what kind of wedding they'll have. Would it be white? Would it be simple or extravagant? Would it be here, or New York? Maybe even somewhere warm, like Hawaii. Would Santana get so drunk she starts hurling abuse at almost all of the guests? These were questions that she'd asked herself.

She heard Izzy laugh, and when she looked over to the laptop, she laughed too. "That would be the first of many moments last night, when three of us thought we were going to jail. Brittany was just having a good time."

Faberry (We Might Fall Hard, We Might Fall Fast)Where stories live. Discover now