Quinn laughed. "Yeah. Probably. We do know that both of those things are true. I dreamt that I gave birth to five bees the size of footballs."

"Aw, bees are cute."

"Not giant ones." The blonde answered, resting her cheek on the top of the singers head. "What was your nice one then?"


"You said you had a nice dream too."

"Oh, yes, well, I don't really remember that much about it. Only that it was nice."

"You are such a fibber Rachel Berry."

"No I'm not!" The Diva answered petulantly.

Quinn felt disappointed, but she couldn't make her friend tell her. It was just a stupid dream anyway, not important at all. And yet... "Okay, if you don't want to tell me."

"It's not that I don't want to tell you!" Rachel said as she pushed herself up onto her elbow. "I- You-." She let out a frustrated sigh, and then gave the blonde a small smile. "I don't know how it might sound to you, that's all."

This got Quinn's attention. "Try me."

The brunette held her gaze for several silent seconds, before she lay back down. "There was a white cottage, and I was making bread, and you were baking a cake. When I looked out of the window, there was a huge garden, with lots of flowers and an oak tree, and on the tree was a swing that Dad and Daddy were pushing Baby on, but they didn't call her that, they called Lily. Then you stood next to me watching what was going on outside, and you hugged me. Some other things happened that are a bit hazy, and then Aunt Santana and Aunt Brittany came over and shot Nerf guns at my Dad's. Everyone was happy."

"I don't know why that was so hard to tell me." The blonde whispered with a smile on her face. "That sounded perfect."

"It was." Rachel squeezed her gently again, and the rolled onto her back. "I think I need more sleep." She announced as she rubbed her temples.

"Okay." Quinn said as she threw the blanket off herself. "I'm going to see what I can eat." She leaned over to the singer and consciously kissed her on the cheek that was as near to those full lips as she was brave enough to venture close to. "Sweet dreams."

Rachel beamed at her affectionately. "Thank you. And try and eat something healthy." She added with a pointing finger.

"Is cold pizza healthy?"


"Oh well." The pregnant girl shrugged, and stood up. "I shall see you soon." And she winked before leaving the room.

There wasn't much Quinn thought about as she walked downstairs, only utter joy. There was a small voice inside of her that told her she was getting her hopes up; that she was turning everything Rachel had said into something she wanted it to be. But she beat that little voice with a club, and told it to shut the hell up.

She heard Izzy's voice, and she realized the woman was standing by the front door, holding it open, and talking to the cat.

"You see." The older Lopez sister said, waving her arm. "It's raining this side of the house too. I really don't know why you expected the weather to be different here than from the back door. You would think after all these years you would know this. Oh, don't look at me like that; it's not my fault it's raining."

"Just nudge him out with your foot." Quinn said, and Izzy frowned deeply.

"I'm not doing that! He's old, and wobbly." The cat stayed in the doorway, still indecisive. "I'll just leave it open. He'll go when he's mentally prepared himself."

Faberry (We Might Fall Hard, We Might Fall Fast)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن