Chapter 5- Colors

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Izuku's POV

My alarm goes off with an angry beep. "Ugh shut up." I say while I slap my alarm. I look and it says 5:30. Why do I get up at like ass o'clock on a Saturday again? Oh yea so I can train, walk Kouki, wake up Shin-Chan, and feed Smokestar. As I drag myself out of bed to get on my sweatpants and All Might T-shirt that says 'Training To Be All Might' "Come on Kouki let's go feed Smokestar and take you on a walk." I say to him. Kouki jumps up when I say walk and wags his tail. It's too early for mom to be up so I walk quietly out of my room to Smokestar's corner. "Time to get up buddy you need to eat and actually move some." I say to him. As Smokestar gets up he stretches and then starts his playful hyper personality. "Man for a cat you have way to much energy. Well I can't say anything when I have tons of energy after 8." I say chuckling as he plays with my pants string. I walk towards the kitchen and grab a can of cat food and the food for Kouki. As I pour their food into each bowl I check my phone for the time. It's 5:40 so I have to get out of the house soon to make it to wake up Shin-Chan at 6. Hurry up Kouki we have to go soon so eat up. I grab a post it note from the computer room to write mom a note to tell her where I'm going. "Mom I went out on a run with Kouki and to wake up Shin-Chan. I'll be back by 10:30 or sometime earlier. Call me if you want me to pick up anything. Love, your son." Ok so I've fed Kouki and Smokestar, got Kouki's leash and left mom a note. Time to text Shin-Chan that I'm on my way. Oh poop it's 5:50 I need to hurry. "Kouki come on we have to go now." I whisper yell to Kouki and he quietly barks in response. I clip on Kouki's leash and we run out the door. "Come on Kouki we have to wake up Shin-chan or he won't be able to get out of the house." As we jog down the street we near Shin-Chan's part of the neighborhood we sprinted till we got to his house. Once we get to his house I tie him up so that way he won't get away and so no one takes him. I do me and Shin-Chan's secret knock and then I snap off his window lock. "Sorry to some through the window, dreadful etiquette know." I say smirking at him. "Get out of my house." Shin-Chan whisper yells at me also with a smirk on his face. "Well I can't leave till you're dressed and Haru is fed. But how about we finish the scene outside." I say knowing that we don't have much time till his mom wakes up. "Ok u need to get out and meet me at the spot ok." Shin-Chan says looking at his phone's clock. "Ok, do you want me to leave Kouki here with you in case something happens?" I ask. Part of me hopes he says no because I'll need Kouki to help me not be nervous and worry about him too much to send me into a spiral but the other part of me wants him to say yes to he will have some protection against his mom. "Izu you mumbling again."Shin-Chan says pulling me out of my thoughts. "And look, you take Kouki I know you will need him more than me. Especially since you're anxiety man Midoriya. I have Haru to help me if need be." Shin-Chan says. "O-ok fine. You better hurry up. And text me when you are home free." I say as I climb out or his room. "Ok I will. Now go before you get me caught." Shin-Chan day shooing me away. I untied Kouki and took off his leash. "Ok Kouki I need you to go back home and get my black All Might hoodie and the kit ok buddy." I tell Kouki grasping his head in my hands. "Bark Bark" Kouki said. It almost sounded like he was ...really talking. Like he was telling me that he'd be back soon and grab everything I needed him to get. "Ok when you get everything need me at the spot ok. Love you buddy." I tell him hugging him. After that we both run off our separate ways.

Fast forward a bit and to a different place.


As Kouki came close to the house he heard that Inko was awake and making herself some breakfast. Inko hears the doggie door open and sees Kouki sprinting into the house and running into Izuku's room. She assumes he had Kouki grab something for him because he is always forgetful when he goes out with Shinso for their morning run. Once Inko is done making breakfast she notices the note that Izuku left. She smiles as she reads it and thinks of what she will need for dinner tonight. "I think I'll make some of Izuku's favorite Katsudon." She says to herself. She looked around the kitchen to see what she needed to have Izuku buy. "Ok so I need boneless pork chops, an onion, dashi soup stock, and soy sauce." She said to herself as she wrote the list. When she was about to grab the money she heard Kouki start to scurry out of Izuku's room. "WAIT KOUKI!" She yelled at the dog. Kouki stopped and turned around towards Inko looking confused. "I need you to give this list and money to Izuku when you see him ok." She told the dog. She folded up the money and list, put it in an envelope and taped it to the dog's collar. "Make sure he gets this and heads to the store ok." She told Kouki. Kouki made a muffled bark and ran out the doggie door.

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