New life in twilight

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I was sad to see my Edward leave. He was moving to America. Mum says that America is a big country. But we live in London. Is that far? I loved my best friend. He loved me too. But I knew what love meant. mum and dad always said that. I never told Edward until now. Edward had a younger sister. He was 8 and his sister, Alice was 7. I was the same age as her. I wanted to cry seeing my Edward go to a big car. I almost forgot to give him my note.

"Read this when you arrive." I handed it to him and went towards the house. I turned around and smiled. He had read it. He looked at it and smiled at me before running to Aunty Esme.

                                                       Chapter 1: Moving Out

Shoot. I shot out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I had a quick bath and brushed my teeth before turning to my clothes. I had taken a pair of pumps, skinny jeans and a tank top that says: 'Love Me'. I turned on my iPhone. 7:46. Just what I needed. We were moving from London to America. Finally. I was sick and tired of staying here 17 years of my life. We were leaving for the airport at 8. I zoomed down and ate my breakfast as quick as I could.

"Could you turn on the radio?" I asked my dad, Charlie. Renee, my mum was busy reading a fashion catalogue. We weren't what you called rich. We had what we needed. My mom was a fashion designer and my dad own the brand Swan, for stationary and bags.

We arrived at the airport two hours before the flight. The first shop I went to was Starbucks. I was sipping my latte when I laughed.

"Edward..." I mumbled softly. I still remember every single detail about him.

But there won't be a chance I'd see him. America was huge. I hit 'shuffle' on my iPod and listened to 'Part of Me' by Katy Perry. I started singing along when I blushed. I forgot I wasn't alone. After an hour, I met up with Charlie and Renee and now, goodbye London!

I could feel the breeze of sunny L.A. I smiled excitedly. Who knows how many cute boys I was to find here? I've dated 3 boys in my life. One was Jacob Black. He was a horrible liar and a playboy. The second was Riley. I shuddered at the name. He wasn't the romantic one. Lastly was Mike Newton. Why did I even date him? I was hoping to find a change here. We took a taxi and drove to the apartment I was staying in. Yes, me. My parents were staying in the floor below me only because the one my dad bought had only one room. So he had to buy another one. My dad trusted me. I never snuck out or anything. The apartment was small, but so luxurious! It was elegant. I arranged my wardrobe first. After two hours, I finally finished. I had a poster of Twilight up on my wall. A picture of me and Edward on my desk and a corkboard covered with pictures of my family and friends. My dad had put a buzzer so that he could talk to me without paying for phone bills.

First day of school. I took a deep breath and carmly said to my self. You take a deep breath and you walk through the doors, it's the morning of your very first day... I laughed nervously. The school was big, called 'Greenwoods High School'. It was easy to find my way thanks to a girl named Rosalie who showed me around. She was downright beautiful and was really nice. My first class- Biology.

"Bella, you really should come to my boyfriend Emmett's party." Rosalie encouraged me.

"I don't know. I mean my parents will allow but I don't really know anyone." My dad never minded me going to parties. Mostly because he goes out partying too.

"Don't be silly! There are a lot of nice people I could introduce you too."

After Rose pleading, I finally said yes. She said she would pick me up at 7. I didn't know what to wear. I finally decided on a black ruffled skirt, a white blouse and brown boots.

"You look great!" Rose smiled. How could I compare to her?

"Oh, one more thing. I have to pick up Emmett's friend." I didn't mind. That gave me an opportunity to meet someone new.

"You know, I think he would be perfect for you."

"Is he that hot?" I teased.

"Almost every girl in the school wants him." He couldn't be that hot. We stopped in front of a mansion. I was shocked. It was huge! A tall guy with brown hair came in the car.

"Hi Rose." He smiled. He had the most gorgeous green eyes. And yes, he was the hottest person I have ever met. But I felt that we've met before.

We went into the big mansion. It was all covered in different colours, glitter, lights in every different corners  around us, it was so amasing                                 

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