sixty ⭐ secrets

Începe de la început

gawsten: HI OTTER

underscoregeoff: he's never told me he's the kind of person who wants flowers

jawnrocha: You gotta remember how much Awsten just wants you to automatically know things. -o

underscoregeoff: he does that too often

jawnrocha: Exactly. Just listen to things he talks about and pay attention to his actions more in depth. Eventually you'll learn what he wants you to get him for his birthday, Christmas, etc. -o

underscoregeoff: he's so cute

jawnrocha: I know

pattyxwalters: 👀


gawsten: when you get home i am going to beat with you with my spatula

julia_robbins1977: Judiyah, don't threaten him like that! He's an amazing son in law.

gawsten: what?

pattyxwalters: Awwww love you mom!!!!

underscoregeoff: meanwhile

julia_robbins1977: Love you too! 💕

underscoregeoff: im yet to meet any of awstens family besides jawn

jawnrocha: did you just call me his family

underscoregeoff: You're close enough to be family

jawnrocha: omg im crying 😭

gawsten: im gonna piss brb

underscoregeoff: okay

jawnrocha: it's just me and you now, bitchboy

underscoregeoff: what

awstenknight: hiii

underscoregeoff: get off your phone

awstenknight: im fine

underscoregeoff: really.

awstenknight: no
awstenknight: im lonely :(

jawnrocha: we're on our way

awstenknight: i want geob 😡

underscoregeoff: I'll be there as soon as I can

awstenknight: i miss you

underscoregeoff: I've been busy

awstenknight: doing what

underscoregeoff: recording

awstenknight: i fucking saw that
awstenknight: You're not sneaky
awstenknight: and why would you unsend that
awstenknight: it only made it worse
awstenknight: fuck you

underscoregeoff: it was a joke

awstenknight: that's part of the reason why i wanted to fucking die and now you're joking about it?

underscoregeoff: aws baby im sorry

awstenknight: fuck off

gawsten: bacl
gawsten: holy HECK what did i miss
gawsten: awsten !!
gawsten: oh
gawsten: o h

jawnrocha: oh shit lmao
jawnrocha: is everything okay?

underscoregeoff added awstenknight to the chat

underscoregeoff: i said something bad and it made aws mad :(

awstenknight: You're a dick

but do we dare split apart? // ig // gawsten/pawstenUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum