Reading Lists & Submission Guidelines

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If you want your story to be featured in one of our reading lists, there are some important things you need to know. Please read through the submission guidelines carefully before filling out the submission form. This will ensure your story meets our profile's submission requirements.

Your story must adhere to Wattpad Content Guidelines. If your story contains mature content, it should be rated accordingly. If you are unsure, please refer to the content guidelines.

✭ All submissions must be in English. 

We accept both complete and ongoing stories. If the story is complete, please ensure it is marked as 'complete' in the story details. If the story is ongoing it must have been updated at least once a month for the past three consecutive months and must continue to be updated at least once a month to remain in the reading lists.

✭ We only accept the first story in a series.

✭ You are welcome to submit as many stories as you want. We do not limit the number of stories a writer can have in our reading list, or even in a single reading list.

✭ Your story must fit into one of the available reading lists featured on this profile. You will find a list of our available reading lists at the end of this chapter with a brief description of what kind of stories will best fit each one.

How to submit

▪️ Please note that any submission attempts made outside of the submission form (e.g. on the message board, in the comments) will not be considered. Only submissions made via the linked form below will be reviewed.

▪️ Please note that a submission does not guarantee you a spot on the reading list. All submissions undergo review before a decision is made. This is to ensure our readers are served quality stories that fit their reading tastes.

▪️ Please pay attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation. We strongly advise you to read and edit your story before submitting it. You can find quick editing tips HERE from our own Wattpad Creators.

▪️ You will also want to be sure you've included a well-written story description for your readers. For tips on story descriptions, visit THIS page.

▪️ Please be patient after you submit your story. The review process can take up to 30 days. We cannot provide feedback on individual stories or submissions.


Just open the link in your browser and answer the questions. When complete, press submit and that's it.

Include your profile's reading list titles here. Be sure each reading list title is accompanied by an explanation about what sort of stories are featured in that reading list. You might include examples of tags that fit those reading lists.


❤ Microfiction (Under 1K Words)

Stories of all sub-genres below 1000 words.

❤ Quick Reads (1-3K Words)

Short stories of all sub-genres ranging between 1000-3000 words.

❤ Short Shorts (3K-5K Words)

Short stories of all sub-genres ranging between 3000-5000 words.

❤ Medium Shorts (5K - 10K Words)

Short stories of all sub-genres ranging between 3000-5000 words

❤ Novelettes (10K-20K Words)

Short stories of all sub-genres between 10000-20000 words.

Some of the hashtags you can use to help us find your story more easily are: 

#shortstory #microfiction #shortstorymicrofiction #quickreads #shortstoryquickreads #novelette #shortstorynovelette #diverselitshorts #noveletteshorts #lgbtqshorts #lgbtqiapshorts  #lgbtqshortstory #mediumshorts

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