Unexpected Flurry

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Snow fell, blanketing the streets with the cold, powdery frost. The chilled evening nipped at her ears, reddening the tip of her mostly covered nose, her thin scarf doing little to fight the cold air. The forecast had said nothing of snow, so she had been unprepared for the rare flurry. The streets of National City were quickly emptying as citizens made their way indoors. Looking up at the sleek silver building, she made her way inside smiling at the security guard as she passed by to the elevator.

Stepping out at the top floor, she made her way past the large oak desk outside the large double doors, smiling at the assistant as she gestured to the doors in question. With a nod from the brunette behind the desk, the blonde smiled, pushing her way through. A smile graced her features as her entrance did not disturb the young CEO.

"Figured I'd find you here." She said with a smile, giggling as the CEO's head whipped up from the disarray of papers littered across her porcelain desk.

"Kara!" She smiled, capping her pen. "Did I miss lunch?" She asked, reaching for her phone to check the time.

"No, though it is almost that time. I finished my article right before Ms. Grant sent everyone home for the day." Brow's furrowed, the Luthor looked to Kara for clarification. "She didn't want us getting caught up in the snow. There wasn't any predicted for today, so nobody knows how long it's going to last."

Laughing at Lena's confused expression, the reporter gestured to the balcony and its powder-covered railing.

"Would you look at that." Getting up from her swivel chair, she walked out onto the balcony looking down on the snow-covered streets below. She watched as young children ran up and down the sidewalks, some kicking powder piles, others attempting to make snowmen, all while trying to keep warm in the unexpected winter weather. The frost nipped at her, forcing her back inside the warmth of her office where she found Kara smiling at her.

"What?" The CEO asked.

"Nothing. You've just got snow in your hair." She laughed.

"I suppose I should send my people home as well." Opening her laptop, she sent a company-wide email telling everyone they could leave for the day.

"I hope that means you will be leaving as well?" Kara asked.

"I mean, I do have a lunch date I would rather not miss. And whatever I haven't finished can wait until tomorrow." The brunette smiled.

"You sure your boss won't get mad at you for not finishing?" the blonde joked.

"I think I'll be okay. My boss is nice." She said as she shut down her laptop, organizing the files on her desk into piles. Taking a small stack with her, she made her way across the room to her coat rack, pulling on her long black winter coat.


Stepping out of L-Corp, the pair made their way down the snowy sidewalk headed to Noonan's, where they had planned to meet for lunch. Sliding into a booth next to a large window, they sat across from each other, folding their coats on the seats beside them.

"Be right back." Sliding out of the booth, Kara made her way to the counter to order coffee and lunch. While she was ordering, Lena looked up things to do on snowy days now that she has taken the rest of the day off. A few minutes of searching resulted in her list of watching movies indoors with hot chocolate/coffee, making snowmen, having snowball fights, and ice skating. Three of which she has never done before. She's seen plenty of movies since meeting Kara, how one person knows so many movies is beyond her, but this is Kara she's thinking about. She's pulled out of her thoughts by a plate of green with a steaming cup beside it followed by Kara sliding back into her seat with a steaming cup of her own and a pile of potstickers.

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