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Cardan sucked in a breath, then looked her in the eye and said:
"I'm not surprised. It's hardly a secret that Balekin did this."
Jude's eyes opened wider as he said this.
"No. I don't think you understand. I watched him compel the human to do it to you. And it hurt me to watch." The last sentence was a whisper, and it seemed as if it had been dragged unbidden from her; as if she was drunk on the truth.

"Did you pity me, then?" His voice was so small admist the ridiculous size of her rooms.

Jude lingered before answering. "No. I did not. I understood in that moment that you were shaped rather than produced. I understood in that moment that you could be salvaged. Or at least freed."

Cardan contemplated her words. "Good," he said, "I want wouldn't know what to do if you pitied me. It would be the most degrading insult."
Jude shifted slightly on his lap.
"Sorry," she said, "I shouldn't have brought it up when we obviously have more important things to do." The last sentence accompanied a glance down at his crotch, where the evidence of the 'important things' resided. Cardan blushed slightly at her words, but pulled her closer despite her teasing.

Jude's arms slid down the rest of his back, not faltering over his remaining scars, until she reached his hips. She pushed his shirt down his arms and off before returning to the other matters. Resting her fingers under the waistband of his trousers, she grazed the sensitive skin of his hips with her nails as she brought her hands around to the front. Deftly, she undid the last piece of resistance between her and what she wanted, urged on even more by the soft groans that escaped Cardan's mouth if she scratched a little harder into his skin.

He arched his back slowly, an elegant and alluring motion, and then lay back into the bed, pulling Jude over him. In the same fluid motion, he bucked his hips, allowing her to fully remove his britches. She ran a finger cautiously over what she exposed, drawing a whimper from Cardan's parted lips. She watched in cruel amusement as his cock twitched, a huff of a laugh escaping her own mouth.

In retaliation he hooked a finger again into the lace of her thong and pulled down, leaving her to kick off the scrap of lace quickly before he gripped both of her thighs and spread her legs, setting her on top of him. Cardan and Jude both let loose undignified groans, his ending in an almost grunt as she shifted closer astride him.

She ground against him almost viciously and arched her back against his supine form gasping at the sensation. His hands slid up her thighs, over her butt and her curving back until the found the clasp of her bra. Cardan made deft work of undoing the fastenings and Jude peeled herself away from him long enough for her to slip it off and chuck it away- anywhere.

His hand slid over her shoulder and around to cup her breast, flicking the nipple and laughing darkly at the illicit moan she emitted at his actions, her nipples now erect and her breasts heavy on his chest.

Jude panted against his neck, Cardan's hands now slowly and- dare she imagine it- lovingly working her aching breasts. She bit down where his neck met his shoulder, hard; aggression the fuel of their burning passion.

She was hot, so hot, she was burning; he was fire, he was her sun, they were both burning brighter than the sun, brighter than all the stars in the universe, they were the stars.

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