Aika: "Look over there. We've pass all the gates. Now, we'll just climb up the mountain to reach the top."

They all keep walking up the stairs until they saw the Shrine. All of them head in front of the Shrine and closed there eyes and wish for something they desire.

All of the sudden, Aika and the Perverted Duo fall down on the ground unconscious making the others shock.

Asia: "Aika-san!"

Irina: "What happen to them?!"

Xenovia: "I don't know!"

???: "All of you are not from here."

They were surrounded by a bunch of people wearing a fox mask. Then they saw a little blond fox girl standing in one of the gates.

 Then they saw a little blond fox girl standing in one of the gates

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Xenovia: "Who are these guys?"

???: "Outsiders! Return my Mother at once!"

Kiba: "We don't know your Mother."

Xenovia: "Nor what your talking about."

???: "Don't lie! You cannot deceived me!"

She signal all of her men to attack them. Kiba, Irina and Xenovia summons out there swords while Asia created a barrier around her along with Aika and the other two.

Kiba: "These guys are Yokai. Try not to harm them along with the place."

Irina/Xenovia: "Right!"

The three of them used there speed to knock out there opponents while the little fox girl is kinda pissed.

???: "R-Retreat!"

All of the remaining soldiers jump down towards her.

???: "I will get my Mother back from you if it's the last thing I do!"

Then a large gust of wind came out of nowhere, Kiba and the others to closed there eyes. After the wind was gone, the little fox girl was gone along with the other unconscious soldiers.

Xenovia: "What was that about?"

Kiba: "I don't know. But we need to tell this to Azazel sensei."

Irina: "Let's get back to the hotel."

Asia: "I'll wake them up."

She tap on Aika and the Duo's forehead and they slowly getting up.

Aika: "W-What happen?"

Kiba: "You all just slip on the stairs and hit your head."

 Irina: "Anyway, we should head back to the hotel."

They all nodded and went back to the hotel to report to Azazel what happen.

After a few minutes of walking back, they stop at the shopping center first to buy some souvenir then they went back to the hotel.

Son of The Ghost of Sparta (HighSchool DxD x M!Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ