When fate and gods collide

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The wind whispered at her passing. Effortlessly gliding across the forest floor, she ran. Beside her a shaggy grey shadow bounded. They ran calmly through the light each glowing and unseen by any that would seek them out. The sunlight dappled through the trees and sparkled more brightly where it came in contact with the unusual pair.

Dressed simply as only one born to the forest could her bow and quiver moving with her but not making a sound. She glanced down at the wolf running at her side and laughed. The sound like bird song spiralled through the trees.

The wolfs tongue lolled as he too seemed to laugh with the girl. "It's good to run is it not Bredu. Tonight I think we will hunt in the great forest." The wolf threw back its head and howled in delight. Hunting with his bonded sister was a great delight. Briefly he wondered where their other brothers were when he saw the dip of the eagles wing and knew he had found one. The horse enjoyed to run too but was sometimes on a different journey. He didn't mind the four were a pack. They were strong and one.

A clearing came into view. The wolf flicked his head towards his sister knowing that this sign of civilisation would disappoint her a little. More and more the mortal world encroached on what had once been mighty forests.

The girl stilled. Her eyes taking in the fenced yard and housing that covered the area before her. The small park that had tamed the wilderness and had young children playing and squealing as they ran from the sandbox to swings and slides and back again.

As she looked at all the new homes the girl's face fell and a look of pain crossed her face. She starts to look at her wolf brother to tell him they would continue their run when her eyes skim across the children playing in the park. She is startled to realise that one of them is looking at her smiling and waving. Frowning she turns her head to see if anyone is behind her. The boy lowers his arm. Looking at her with a hurt confused look he starts to turn away when she lifts her hand and waves. He grins and starts running toward her.

Startled she stares at this small boy who sees her. He comes closer but she turns with the wolf waves slightly to the boy and runs back into the comfort of the wild woods.

Hours later under the moons glow the girl and her wolf brother steal silently through the woods following the traces of game. Each anticipates the hunt. The thrill of sliding through the shadowy woods fills them.

Suddenly the girl pulls up. She stands tall and listens to the sounds of the forest. There is something not right. She can feel something odd in the air. Turning slightly she sensed where the disturbance was coming from and without thought runs in that direction.

The forest senses her urgency gone is the playfulness of the hunt. Trees bend holding their limbs out of her way making it easier to get to where she is going.

She sprints into a clearing her brother behind her. There standing in the moonlight is a group of men. In front of them are children, bound and gagged.

It's the boy from earlier. He sees her again and the pleading in his eyes is unmistakeable. Freezing in place she takes in the scene before her and as the man closest to the children grabs the boy by the hair lifting him she notices the knife in his hands. She can't interfere. This is mortal business.

The mans deep laugh sends a horrified shiver down her spine. "Your daddy gonna miss you, boy?" He growls out at the boy. His eyes slide to the girl again.

It is that look that is her undoing. Reaching up into the air she draws her sword from the nothing above her, dances it forward and cuts off the mans hand.

Whirling and dancing with swift sure movements the girl cuts through the men. Her wolf brother taking down those she hasn't stepped to.

She is covered in blood when she walks to the boy. The only one of the trussed up children who can see her and says in a quiet sweet voice "It will be alright, there are others coming to free you." And with that she disappears back into the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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