Chapter 16: I really like you

Começar do início

'Shit this is gonna be difficult, especially now that he has Mina'

You created a force field to surround yourself and walked towards him.

"Ohhhh so your making the first move?! COOL!" He yelled, sending shockwaves in your direction.

You weren't sure if this would work because you'd never tried it but you had theorised a high success rate. Your quirk allowed you to manipulate energy and energy can be found in many different forms, one of these being sound energy. If you could manipulate the sound waves he sent you couldn't change the volume but you could change its direction.

You waved your hand forward and opened your now glowing eyes. You could just about see the sound waves and they were really fast so the best you could do is form a sort of shield in front of yourself deflecting his attack.

Satisfied with your newfound skill you created a force field around Mina and charged towards him and shot small beams at him. After another five minutes you had him restrained and awakened Mina to get her to go and free the victims with her acid.

It was safe to say that you and Mina won and after releasing Present Mic the two of you walked back over to the class in the viewing room.

"Nice one!" Denki beamed

"Yeah that was manly!" Kirishima added on

"Tsk...whatever" the porcupine growled

"c'mon you still mad at me?" You sighed as you grabbed onto his arm and hugged it.

He just grunted and shook you off "Who said I'm angry?"

"Whatever you say spiky" you shrugged

"Call me that again!" He hissed

"Okay spiky Mc Spikekins~" you smirked walking closer to him pressing your chest against his.

"Why you little!" He shouted sparks flying from his palms.

"Hey looks like it's your turn now" you smiled placing a hand on his chest.


"Good luck Katsu~"

You saw his mouth curl into a smile as he walked away. "Don't need it dork"

'God if only that boys heart was as big as his ego' you sweat dropped.

Katsuki was paired with Kirishima. Their opponent was a huge hairy guy you hadn't seen before.

"Who's that?" You whispered to Izuku

"I think it's the underground hero Raionzu. His quirk is lion"

"Ooh that sounds interesting" you hummed turning to look at the battle.

It looked like their plan was for katsuki to be the distraction and for Eijiro to free the captives it was all going really well until katsuki tried to use both of his mega blast thingy's at once. Luckily Kirishima was able to free all the victims but katsuki was on the floor practically squirming in agony because he overused his quirk.

"All Might! Am I okay to take katsuki to the infirmary?" You questioned hastily

"Yes that would be an excellent idea!" He spoke as he dismissed you.

Lifeline (Katsuki x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora