Izuku waved Katsuki down then scooted over to make space. Ochako and Tenya exchanged looks, hoping they'd get to eat in peace. Katsuki looked at the two of them and smiled.

"Oh, there's something I want to show you. Stop by my room when you get a chance." Katsuki said as it just came to mind.

"What is it?" Izuku asked.

"They're talking normally..." Ochako whispered to Tenya. "I'm scared."

"You and me both..." Tenya whispered back.

Shoto watched in envy as Katsuki laughed it up with Izuku. That should be him laughing with Izuku. Yet here he was pushed off to the side. What qualities did Katsuki have that he didn't? Was it years of "friendship"? He sighed then stopped thinking about it. It was the sole fact he plotted against Katsuki that he ended up in this mess anyway.

"Here, eat more." Izuku said ask he placed some of his vegetables on Katsuki's plate. "You hardly had any."

"What are you, my mom?" Katsuki sneered as he gave back the vegetables.

"Yes, now eat." Izuku said, placing them back.

Tenya and Ochako watched as the two boys exchanged the vegetables back and forth nonstop.

"How about..." Ochako said placing half on Izuku's and the other on Katsuki's. "You each get half."

They looked at each other then shrugged. Izuku discreetly slipped Katsuki another then ate his. Katsuki was grinning widely on the inside. Izuku was showing concern out in the open. That had to be a good sign. Izuku glanced up at Katsuki then felt a small fluttering in his stomach. Shoto didn't understand. Maybe he was purposefully trying not to understand. Katsuki was becoming a different person.

˗ˏˋ❀ˋˏ ˏˋ❀ˋˏ˗

Katsuki yawned as Mr. Aizawa dismissed them after a long day of hard work. Izuku bounced over to him with a friendly smile. Shoto noticed them from afar then sauntered over to disrupt their peacefulness.

"What can we do for you, Todoroki?" Katsuki asked then felt his hand being held by Izuku.

It was probably out of reflex, so he didn't think much of it. Shoto hid his hands behind his back then smiled.

"Just seeing what you two were up to since I wanted to invite Izuku to study with me on the ground floor." Shoto said innocently.

"Maybe later. Kacchan already booked me..." Izuku said, hoping it'd deter him.

"Oh, later's fine. Not like we have a big chunk of our final grades coming up." said Shoto before walking away, subtly trying to guilt trip Izuku.

"Maybe we should study too..." Izuku muttered then looked at Katsuki. "Can we? After you show me whatever it is?"

"I have nothing against that, but bring your notes. They're much clearer." Katsuki replied then felt himself being pulled away by Izuku.

˗ˏˋ❀ˋˏ ˏˋ❀ˋˏ˗

"Wow. Isn't this that limited time only poster of young All Might? That they only sold 100 of? Is this even authentic?" Izuku asked with wide eyes.

"Sure is. I never showed you because I know how much of an All Might fiend you are. Didn't want you thieving it." Katsuki said with a swelled ego.

Izuku sighed in envy. Just how did he get it? Did he buy it off of someone? He let it roll back up then handed it back. Katsuki really was blessed as a young child.

"That's it? You could look at it more you know." Katsuki said.

"I've had my fill." Izuku said then started pulling his notebooks out to study from. "We should start studying."

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