Three's a party

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A/N: Quite a bit of time has passed since the last chapter (literally and figuratively 😅) and Mare will start to notice some changes with her body.


     A few weeks have passed since Maven and I have officially rekindled our relationship. Currently, things have been going fairly well with the exception of this nagging feeling that my body secretly wants to kill me. We haven't been intimate since that last night however I've been feeling rather poorly. Unnecessary aching in my abdomen, a lingering nauseous feeling that won't go away.  It's as if life is trying to punish me for finally starting to feel happy.

Today we are hosting a charity ball, I was told the reason behind it but to be honest I can't convince myself to care. Balls were never really my thing so why would I get excited about a glorified beauty pageant?

     While the servants are busy with their work I find myself hiding away in the master bathroom hunched over a porcelain toilet. Body wrapped around the bowl as sweat drips down my face. A knock sounds at the door just before I hear the doorknob attempting to turn. I jump, unintentionally bonking my head.

"Occupied!" I yelled.

"Mare its time to start getting ready- the guest will be here in an hour or so".

The calming voice of man would normally soothe me whenever I feel anxious but right it's annoying.

   Reluctantly I pick myself up off the ground, wipe my mouth and open the door. Starring down at me with what appeared to be a look of concern. Brows furrowed, eyes filled with worry.

"Mare Mare, what's the matter?" He rest his hands on either sides of my face.

What do I do? Do I tell him what I fear could be happening or do I lie?

"Nothings wrong sweets, just a little stomach bug" I pay his arm assuringly.

I can't do it

One thing I've learned about my fiancé is that he has become very affectionate. Not in a nauseating way, for Maven he's more subtle but it's still sweet. Kind of like right now how he's holding my face even though it's puffy and covered in sweat. I know that he can feel the slickness of my skin yet he disregards the discomfort because he worries about me.

"No you're not, your eyes are watery, you skin feels like it's on fire and you were just puking!"

"Right, like I said. A stomach bug" I shrugged.

He squints his eyes questioning my response. Silently picking apart my statement trying to determine how he should react.

"Hmm" he shook his head.

I need him to leave soon, I'm afraid I need to vomit again. Dear god don't let this be more then a bug! I'm not ready. I'm not ready.

"I'll call the physician", he quickly lifts me up, "something's wrong" he cried out.


"How long have you been experiencing these symptoms Mrs Calore?"

A heat rises to my cheeks upon being referred to as Mrs Calore . I even felt the dancing of butterflies in my stomach at the thought of being Maven's wife.

"Actually ma'am, we", I gesture between Maven and I, "are still engaged, no Mrs here" I laugh nervously.

"Oh please", she waves me off, "none of that ma'am nonsense honey, we're not old folks up in here" she rested a hand on her hip.

I think we're going to be great friends.

"Ma'am is so thirty years from now and I just turned twenty nine" she explained as she jotted down notes.

I laughed aloud. She was so blunt and sassy that it took away all my anxiety about coming here today.
Maven puts a hand in the small of back and the other atop one of my shoulders. Rubbing small circles around the tense muscles. He pressed his cheek against my head and nuzzled me. I placed my right hand over his, pushing his fingers apart so that we could hold hands.
"The doctor was pleasantly charming and enthusiastic. The woman was what I'd say standard height with olive toned skin. She had medium deep brown hair that worn in a messy ponytail with bangs parted down the middle. She had light brown eyes with little golden flecks around her pupils, illuminating those doe eyes of hers were a pair of slightly rounded glasses sitting perfectly on her button nose.

"My apologies queenie, I just get so excited" she squealed.

"I mean it's not everyday you get to treat a queen".
"Oh don't worry about it miss?", I glanced at her chest looking for an identification badge . I probably should have asked instead of staring at the poor woman's boobs. Not that she didn't have nice boobs. Oh god Mare don't be a freak!

"Hanji"'she extended her hand, "Hanji Zoe"

"Nice to meet you doctor Zoe".

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