Years Later

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                         Tails' P.O.V.


          I opened my eyes slowly. The smell of Bacon, eggs, pancakes, sasuge, and toast filled my nose. It smelt incredible. I got out of bed,  brushed my teeth, and everything else I needed to do. I walked down stairs. We had moved about 2 years ago. I love this house. It's bigger..and so is my lab! I have so much more room.

I walked behind Sonic who was doing the dishes. I hugged him from behind. Sonic dried his hands before turning around and returning the hug. "Mourning Tails. I thought you'd never get up."

I giggled. I felt so safe in his arms.

"So what woke you up Sonic? I know you would never wake up before ten...unless I pulled you outta bed." Sonic chuckled as he wrapped his arms around me. "Let's just say... Today, is a very special day." I smiled. "What are you talking about?! Everyday I spend with you is a special day." Sonic laughed before kissing my lips. I kissed back.

Every kiss was just as good as the first.

We separated. "Let's eat my little fox." Sonic said as he nuzzled into me. I sat beside him and ate happily.

"Sonic." Sonic sat his plate in the sink followed by mine after we had finished. "Yeah Tails?" I hugged him. I couldn't help it. I love the feeling of being in his arms. "What's so special about today..?" Sonic chuckled. He petted me gently on my head. "I have a big day planned for you..." I pulled away and crossed my arms. "Stop it! Ftrst you make breakfast for the first time, Now you've got the whole rest of the day planned..! What's so special!?!" Sonic giggled kinda cutely and hugged me. "Your sooo cute when your mad at me!" I blushed. "Sonniic!!" Sonic laughed again as he picked me up bridal style. He rubbed our noses together. "Ready foxy?" I had a deep blush on my cheeks. "Ok Sonikku~ I'll come." He smirked as he ran off. I buried my head on his chest.

Within seconds later Sonic stooped running and set me down. We were at a park. But this was my favourite park. I come here to clear my head when I need it.

My thoughts were interrupted when Sonic handed me an ice cream cone. "Here." I licked the rocky road ice cream. My favorite. Sonic had vanilla in his hand. I smiled. I love him so much.

He grabbed my hand. "Let's take a walk!" I smiled brightly at him. "Ok."

I held onto Sonic's arm and walked close to him. As poeple passed by they smiled at us. They had to, Sonic was their savour..

  Alot more things have happened these passed years.. Eggman is dead now.., Amy is now dating Knuckles. Haha! Don't ask how that happened.

...I forgave Knuckles...After a year..We're friends. Not that close..but we're getting there.

Sonic and I are fighting for gay marriage rights. There's a huge vote coming up.. Sonic's done so much for mobious. I'm sure they'll be on his side..

Sonic broke my train of thought. "You ok Tails?" I nodded my head. He grabbed my cheeks and looked into my blue eyes. "Your not worrying about the vote are you?"

How does he always know what i'm thinking?

"No.. I'm fine Sonic.. I'm glad we got to spend this time together today." Sonic smiled. "The day isn't over yet." He picked me up and ran ounce again. I dropped my cone. Oh well..I was pretty much done anyway.

Sonic stopped running and sat me down. "Where are we now Sonic?" Sonic smiled as he turned me around. My eyes widened.

A picnic blanket was laid across the ground. Delicious foods were sitting near two plates.

I smiled up at Sonic and kissed his cheek. "Oh Sonic... Why the hell are you spoiling me?" He chuckled as we sat next to each other.

We sat there talking, laughing, and eating. After hours passed Sonic had picked me up and brought me to another place.

We sat down on a hill, watching the sunset. I cuddled into Sonic's chest.

I'm a bit older now. But i'm still a cute uke.. As Sonic says.

Sonic pulled away and searched around in his quills. He pulled out a little box that was tied up in bows. He handed it to me. "Here..." I opened it slowly. My eyes grew wide when I opened it.

It was a silver heart necklace. I opened it. It opened it three times. It had three places to put pictures. I closed it again. On one side, engraved into it, were the words-

                SONIC AND TAILS

On the back, engraved, was-

              TOGETHER FOREVER~

A tear ran down my cheek. "Here." Sonic said as he put the necklace around my neck. He rubbed my ear. "Happy birthday Tails.." I smiled. He was right. It is my birthday. I had forgotten all about it. "Oh Sonic..I love you so much!" I threw my arms around him and kissed him passionately. He returned the kiss.

Before I knew it my back was against the ground. He licked my neck and ran his hands through my chest. I played with his tail and kissed him whenever he wasn't licking or kissing my neck.

I kissed his lips ounce again. "Sonic.." He looked down at me, smiling. "Yeah?" I yawned. "I'm sleepy." Sonic chuckled as he picked me up. "Let's go home."

I cuddled into Sonic. He was so warm. I kissed him.

I held onto him tighter.

I can't believe I ever thought this was wrong...

                END :)    Thanxs for reading guys!! ^_^   HOPE U ENJOYED!! ^^

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