New Girl-Michelle

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I approached the gates of hell, the bane of my existence, the fields of punishment. School. I just transferred from Wisconsin to Toronto and am starting a new school. I don't know anyone except my older cousin Zac who lives here and grew up here. Zac is 3 months older than me but he said he would look out for me so that helps.
I clutched my books to my chest and could hear my heart beat in my ears as I walked in and heard the doors close behind me. I treaded the hallway trying to avoid everyone I looked over my shoulder at the busy hall and turned back just before bumping into a cute senior.
"S...Sorry." I stammered. "I'm such a klutz." I picked up my books and noticed him bending down and helping me.
"Its okay." He said. I looked up and he smiled.
"I'm Eldon." He grinned.
"I'm Michelle." I smiled a small smile. We both reached for a book at the same time and he touched my hand. I pulled my hand away and stood up. I looked at Eldon and saw how cute he is.
He had short spiky blonde hair that had been combed with gel, he wore a blue t-shirt and black jeans. He wore casual black converse and had glittery pale blue eyes and a smirk on his face.
I blushed.
"You are so cute." He laughed like it was a joke. I raised my eyebrow. "Your blush is adorable. Too bad I am deeply in love with my girlfriend." My heart sank at his words.
"Haha." I laughed not meaning it.
"ELDON!" A voice shrieked down the hallway. A girl with short blonde hair and a red dress rushed up to Eldon and tackled him in a hug.
"Hey Emily." Eldon smiled kissing his girlfriend. Emily immediately pulled away.
"Eldon!" She shrieked slapping him. "Not in public." Eldon pouted. He looked like a cute little puppy that needed help, I wondered how Emily won against this guy.
"Emily this is Michelle." Eldon gestured at me. I waved.
"Hey Michelle." Emily smiled. But I read her eyes. Eldon is mine so BACK OFF.
I just smiled back trying my best to say something PG13 back at her. She must have gotten the message because she leaned backwards in surprise.
"Well I gotta go to class." I smiled. "See you Eldon." I smiled winking at him causing myself to receive a glare from Emily.
I've already made an enemy. Great. Good going Michelle.
I checked my schedule to find out where my home room was.
Room G14, I guess I'm going there.

Hi guys it's me demigod_percabeth! Welcome to the first chapter! Yaysies! Please vote comment and follow!
But first *sighs* disclaimer. I don't own anyone all of this belongs to Frank Van Keekan

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