Empty Pages (Beth)

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(Beth Corcoran's POV)
-The Picture above is What she Looks Like-

It's Finally senior year! I'm top of the school now which means everybody worships me. It's Free period and I'm thinking l, as it's the first day, should sign up for a few clubs. What's here? Cheerios? No, everyone says Sue is horrible and you have horrible diets. Probably best if I don't sign up for that... The Band? I don't play any Instruments... Wait what's this? 'Join the New Directions: Glee Club'? The sheet is empty. Actually No, The whole booklet is empty! Well, i guess I may as well give it a go...

(Later on)

It's finally time for my audition. It's really hot in here; very dark as-well. I've decided that it's best to sing a song that really shows off my voice and my rapping skills: My Shot from Hamilton.

The music has started- I'm not sure if I can do this. Ok Beth, you need to calm down, it's going to be fine...

Ok, I finished! I'm looking up at the teacher who is smiling. That's good i guess! He's actually very good looking for a teacher: Beautiful green eyes and lovely curly locks... Ack! I'm getting distracted, let's see what he has to say...

"Wow! Beth! That was truly a great performance!"

"Thank you sir."

"Wait one minute- are you Quinn Fabray's daughter?"

Who's Quinn Fabray?

"Umm no- My mum is Shelby Corcoran."

"Ahh yes, I forgot... anyway, thank you for auditioning!"

OK now I'm Confused! Who the Hell is this 'Quinn Fabray' kid? I guess it was just a mistake... Let's look on the bright side- I might be part of a new Glee Club!

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