"I'm really happy you're pretty, honey," he cooed in a mockingly condescending tone, "it will be just us. I'm not sure if a white lie is as big a sin as being fucked in the ass, but either way, I plan on doing both," he hummed. Frank raised his eyebrows.

"Doing both tomorrow? Or just the lying?" Frank teased, feeling renewed optimism about the situation. Gerard laughed,

"Goodnight, Frank. Leave it with me. And for...realism – please try to act a little bit annoyed?"

"Don't worry babe. Being annoyed by you is one of my best talents."

"You ass."

Frank woke up the following morning to his mother knocking on his door, a soft smile on her lips

"Hi hon," she said gently, allowing herself into the room once she confirmed he was awake.

Frank spent most of his evenings with Gerard, which meant that when he wasn't, his mind was quite accustomed to filling in the blanks. He often had dirty dreams about his boyfriend, and woke up either covered in his own cum, or painfully hard. By pure luck, today was one of the rare days where neither scenario occurred, so he felt no guilt looking up at his mother and meeting her gaze. He stretched out, feeling his arms click satisfyingly.

"Mmmm- yeah? What's up, Ma?" he asked, his voice croaky still from sleep. His mother gave a guilty little grin, leaning against his door frame.

"So, I know you wanted to see Mia tonight, and I'm sorry that I said no. But uh, you've been volunteered for some new plans, if you're okay with it? I think it would be....good for you. Y'know? Give you a chance to meet new people..."

Frank frowned as she spoke – in his sleepy state, he had completely forgotten about his upcoming date with Gerard.

"Uh – that's ominous. Go ahead – what did you sign me up for?" he sighed.

"Well. Father Way called me this morning, and said he's getting some of the parish youth together for a little Christmas dinner. I know you've been busy with your band at all, and haven't really had time to meet any of the other kids your age, but I thought you'd wanna go. So I said yes. Is that okay?" she asked, words coming out in a flurry.

Frank almost forgot that he had to act upset – only just about managing to catch the grin before it spread across his cheeks; he turned it into a scowl instead, sitting up more straight in bed.

"Jeez, Ma. I mean... you've already said yes. So I guess I'll have to. But can you ask next time?" he muttered. His mother looked relieved, giving him a grin almost as wide as the one threatening Frank's lips.

"Okay, deal. Father Way said for you to go straight to the Church after school – he even offered to drive you home. So I'll see you this evening." As soon as she finished speaking, she ducked out of his bedroom and downstairs – no doubt trying to scurry away before Frank could change his mind and unleash a holy wrath upon her.

The reality, though, couldn't have been more of a departure from that. As soon as she left the room, Frank grabbed his phone – but found that his boyfriend had beaten him to the punch

FROM: His Holy Pain in My Ass

Told you. Priests get away with everything. Come straight to the vestry tonight. Love you.

Frank chuckled as he tossed his phone aside, beginning to get ready for the day. He wasn't going to justify Gerard's teasing with a reply, so he just left it. All of his thoughts would be more than expressed later that evening; he was sure of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2019 ⏰

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