"And what are you gonna do with that fat ass?" I asked.

"I dunno, maybe rule and conquer?" He said, not understand why we were laughing.

When we got to the fair, there were a bunch of people there. Enya and Roy ran off to do stuff on their own then everyone started to split up. Josh went with Lucas and Josiah and Drew went with Orion and Christian. The two people left were Finn and me. Finn and I just stood there, in the middle of the fair as all our friends left us. I snapped back to reality then took Finn by the hand and started walking around to see what we could do.

"Oh my god! Finn Wolfhard?" We heard from behind us. We turned around with our hands still intertwined. It was two teenage girls around our age.

"Hi" Finn said quietly and the girls started squealing.

"Who's this?" The blonde asked as she pointed at me.

"This is my girlfriend" Finn said as he awkwardly put his arms around my shoulder. I gave them a big fake smile, wishing they would go away. (Swag😌🤩🤩)

"Oh, she's that Violet girl?" The one next to her, with blue hair asked and I nodded.

"Oh" the blonde one giggled.

"What's so funny?" I asked and she looked at me up and down.

"I don't know," She said, "I guess I expected you to be a bit more... I dunno"

"A bit more what?" I asked as gave her a big, fat smile.

"I had high expectations of you, that's all I'm trying to say" she said and gave me a smile back.

"Anyway, can we take a photo with you?" The blue haired girl asked Finn and he nodded. The blondie handed her phone to me, expecting me to take the picture for them.

"Oh?," I said, "you want me to take the picture for you guys?"

'Barbie' rolled her eyes and said, "no duh, why would I give you my phone?" I took the picture of the girls with Finn then gave blondie her phone back.

"What a bitch" I heard her say as she walked away. I huffed then started to walk away. Soon, finn caught up and grabbed me by the wrist and yanked me towards him.

"Bitch that hurts" I complained.

"What's your problem?" He asked. How could a person be this oblivious? I asked myself.

"Because Finn, I get treated like fucking garbage every single day because your little pets aren't satisfied with who you are 'dating'!" I said and he gave me a confused look.

"So this is all my fault?" He asked.

"I never said th-"

"Well who's the one who just yelled to everyone that we were dating" he cut me off.

"So this is my fault?" I asked getting annoyed.

"I never said that!" He exclaimed.

"You implied it!" I argued and he sighed in frustration.

"Why do you have to be such a fucking dick?!" I yelled then walked away into the crowds of people.

It started get dark and I was getting tired. I saw a big Ferris wheel and decided to get on that. I got in line and noticed that Finn was in front of me. I decided to act as if he wasn't there since I'm a petty bitch like that. (☺️✌🏻)

"It has to be at least 2 or more people, kid" The guy said to Finn.

"I can go with him" I said to him and we got on. We sat side by side awkwardly just staring at our shoes.

"I'm sorry-" we both said at the same time.

"I'm sorry for lashing out like that" I said to him.

"I'm sorry for being a bitch" he said and I smiled. The ride went super slow then all of a sudden, it stopped. We were on the top of the Ferris wheel.

"What the fuck," I panicked, " This only happens in movies"

"Calm down vi, it's probably nothing." He said attempting to calm me down. I looked through the window to see how far up we were in the sky then the view of the fair caught my eyes. Finn watched me look at the view, mesmerized from all the light and the colors.

"Look how beautiful that is!" I said to Finn with a big smile. However, Finn didn't answer so I turned to see what was going on. He was looking at me and he didn't stop looking at me, I was confused.

"Fin-" I tried to say but before I could say anything else, he gently smashed our lips together.

Holy shit, what the fuck.

Our lips moved together in sync, I couldn't believe I was kissing my best friend, again. I strictly told myself 'NO' the first time I kissed him, I was the one who kissed back last time when I could've just pulled away.

Everything that occurred at the parking lot happened so fast that I never noticed how soft his lips were-

No! What the fuck.

I mean he kisses people on screen for a living so what was I to expect?

I pulled away from the kiss and looked at him. His face was red as a tomato.

"Finn we shouldn't be doing this." I said and Finn just looked down at his shoes. The Ferris wheel started to work again.

"I know." That's all he said and we sat in silence for the rest of ride.



Is it bad that I don't know how to do these kissing scenes. I suck at them.

I'm a innocent child of god 😇😇

I hope this chapter was good >_<

Ty for 700 reads!!!!!! Wtf!!!!

Pls vote and comment 🤖

vote = amount of times that Finn and Violet kissed

Word count: 1461

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