"Do go on, then," Jade's voice hollered out from behind, "I love fairy tales," the attention was suddenly off Luke and to the smaller girl behind him, carrying herself with the strength of a small army as she glared at the big bully. Luke was taken aback as she had suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Where the fook did you come from?" he asked with astonishment.

Jade shrugged back, "Me ma," she replied. She then slipped under his arm and entered the classroom, "And for the record, I have a five-pound textbook in me bag. I would hate to have to do that third charm thing we discussed," the smirk on her lips, plus the smug grin on Alex and Matt's faces made Luke's blood boil even faster. 

He scoffed with pity, "I fink it's rather cute yehr girlfriend fights yehr fights fer yeh boys," he said.

"You fucking wish you had a girlfriend as cool as me, mate," Jade said. 

"Fook nah. I'd make sure me women weren't as flat chested as you," he spat. Those words suddenly silenced Jade, and an air of uneasiness and insecurity crawled up her spine in the form of a shiver. 

Matt jumped off the table like he was about ready to punch the grin off Luke's face, had Alex not held him back. Meanwhile Sasha, who was been just as keen on this morning story as the others, suddenly shot up from her seat.

"Go fook yehrself, Luke!" she snapped, "And don't make fun of another person's jewels when yeh 'ardleh 'ave any, yehrself!"

"Oh, suck my dick, Cassick!"

"'Ow yeh expect me to suck what don' exist?" 

A round of shocked Oh!'s from the students flooded the air, but the only ringing in Jade's ears was the snide comment Luke had made about her breasts. Alex gently took Jade by the arm, nudging her towards the empty desk next to him as Matt kept yelling empty threats at Luke. Luckily, the teacher had walked in before another fight could break out and sent Luke on his way to his own homeroom.

Jade took her seat at the front row with Alex and Matt, keeping quiet now. Her chest had always been on the smaller size, and she had turned to the usual tissues and socks as emergency bra stuffers when she needed to. Just the concept of having larger breasts made her feel prettier, but alas, she was cursed with menial B cups that didn't do her much good aesthetic-wise or in dignity. And having them so rudely pointed out in front of her class didn't do her much good either. 

There was a sudden screech of a chair and shuffle, and to Jade's surprise, Sasha suddenly came to sit beside her. She had never done that before, all the previous week she had insisted that she was more comfortable in back. But Sasha gave Jade a smile in solidarity and turned her attention to the teacher's attendance call. Alex meanwhile could only hear the blood rushing to his ears, as Luke's words also had a cause and affect on his self-esteem. And just like before, the insecurity that he had from the previous weekend came creeping on him again. He didn't need a girl to fight his fights, and he knew that. It just so happened that Jade happened to be at the right place at the right time, with the right weapon.

That was what he kept telling himself, the problem was just getting him to believe it now. 


Jade had remained bashfully quiet throughout homeroom and for her next two classes. She couldn't help but keep pulling her sweater tighter over her chest -- to warm herself up, she told another student. But everyone seemed to know the real reason to her struggling. In between classes, Jade was at her rusty, dilapidated, maroon red locker, exchanging books for her next class. As she shut the door, she jumped suddenly when she saw Flora standing behind it, giving her that usual miserable glower that Jade had become accustomed to seeing. 

"... Hi," Jade spoke tentatively. 

Flora blew past any sort of greeting, "What Luke said to you this morning was fucked up," she said, "He had no business making comments about your A cups,"

"... They're Bs, actually," Jade said, glancing down at her chest again. 

Flora took her own glance and hummed, "... Right," she said, "Anyway, you want to shut him up? Because I still have a pair of bra stuffers from seventh year I wore religiously. They're still perfectly good, should bump you up to a solid E or F cup,"

"Cool," Jade said, "... You mean like a pair of socks," 

The blonde seemed to refrain from rolling her eyes, "I mean fucking silicon implants. Think of 'em as stuffing water balloons in your bra,"

Jade gave her a hardened glare, skeptical of Flora's motivations. For the entirely of her stay, Flora had acted as though Jade were only a breeze in the wind, not even there. Now here she was -- offering to help her? 

"You're being nice to me?" she asked. 

"Don't tell anybody," Flora said, "Since you're currently the most talked-about person in school right now, you should at least have something to back you up once your fifteen minutes is up,"

"... Excuse me?"

"Well, am I wrong?" Flora said, "Everybody thinks you're some sort of Amazon Warrior or something," she said, "Think on it. If you want a quickie enhancement, you know where to find me," and with that, she walked away briskly. 

Suck It And See | A. TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now