Chapter 5 - The Woods of Lothlorien

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I took a deep breath.

"He has fallen to flames and darkness. The rest of us escaped."

Elrond nodded, then placed a hand over my ribs.

"And what happened here." I leaned against him, my head on his shoulder.

"Orc arrow," I said simply, just wanting to stay here for as long as I could.

"You have to return..." Elrond whispered his head resting atop of mine.

"I will," I responded. "In a little while."

He shifted, pulling me towards him as he lay down. I leaned up to kiss his cheek, before laying my head onto his chest.

"I miss you." I was not entirely sure he had heard it, as I fell into a peaceful slumber for the first time in what feels like forever. 

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

I surged awake, suddenly aware that I was not in Rivendell. There was a she-elf waiting by the door.

"I will let the others know you have awoken." 

She left with a nod, as I looked around the room I was in. I moved to sit up, but the pain that radiated from my stomach was all too much. I took shallow breathes resting back against the pillows on the bed. The door opened, then closed, as Aragorn entered the room.

"How are you feeling?" He sat in the seat by my bed.

"Yeah, much better thanks... How long have I been asleep?"

"Only two days, impressive for a poisoned arrow wound. It's given the hobbits a chance to recover. When you're ready, we're going to head out." I nodded, and threw the blanket black. 

"Aloryssa, rest. You are not ready yet." I shook my head.

"I'm not trying to leave yet, just going for a walk to check on the hobbits and the rest of our company. I need to start moving around anyway."

Aragorn nodded, helping me get up, and out of the door.

Aloryssa, I see you are with us again. I wish to speak with you.

I put my hand on Aragorn's arm.

"You go back first, I need to speek with Lady Galadriel."

He nodded, and walked away. I started walking down a path, seeing where I was meant to go in my head. I walked down the steps, seeing the silver basin filled with water, and Lady Galadriel standing next to it. She smiled warmly at me.

"Hello my dear."

I smile back. While I had not known Lady Galadriel for the longest time, she had offered aid to me upon many occasions.

She walked gestured me to the basin. I nervously walked to it, looking down at it, seeing glimpses of images.

"Will you look into the mirror?"

I take a deep breath before nodding, and leaning over the basin. 

A great battle was unfolding before me, in front of the Black gates, orcs were surrounding us. I looked ahead, and saw Aragorn, battling a huge armoured Troll. I gasped a it crushed him underneath it's foot, the scene changed to Lothlorien, as orc attacked the elves, I saw a dead Galadriel and Celeborn. The image changed again, as soon they descended onto Rivendell.

Arwen's body lay motionless, her eyes staring up at the sky. They were empty though, she was dead. It wasn't over, though. I saw Elrond, standing at the gates of Rivendell, a small army of elves behind him, the rest having Sailed to the west. I saw him lead the men against the orcs. He fought against them, but the Elven numbers were too small for this feat. Their numbers continued to deplete.

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