Chapter Seventeen Past Part One

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I woke up in the middle of the night. I sat up in my bed. Thinking. I stared at dusk. Still asleep on the floor. I thought about last night, all that happened. It was freaking me out. Why did I even do that? Sneak into karai's room? How foolish did I have to be? And when dusk found out. She'd slit my throat. I grabbed my throat in terror. I put my hands down. Then laid back down. Then I froze in my spot. What about the voice? Where did it come from? What was it? Or who. Whoever they were. They wanted me dead. And I had no choice. I had to join forces with karai. Even though she was a manipulative little girl. We needed her on out side. Dusk was not gonah be happy about this. So I just went back to sleep, trying to forget what had happened.

But I had a dream. I dream that didn't make any sense. I was in an unknown realm. But I wasn't really here. It was just an apparition of me. And I saw dusk. But it's not her that shocked me. Where was I? The air was almost unbreathable. All that was here was. Actually I don't know what it was. The ground was pink. As was everything surrounding it. The sky was black. And there were so many mutants. I couldn't even count them all. But back to dusk. There was another panther that looked just like her. I think it might of been her brother. Maybe. They were fighting. There claws were slashing each other's fur right off. That must of been how she got her scars. And this must have been where she came from. She jumped on top of the other panther. About to slash his throat. But some dark figure took her away. Actually. A lot of dark figures. They took many of them away. She was abducted from her home.

I woke up screaming. My bed was covered in sweat. Dusk ran to me. She looked terrified. She said, "are you okay?!" I started tearing up and hugged her because of what I just saw. She said, "you look like you just saw a ghost. What's wrong?" I just smiled and said "nothing. Just a bad dream." Then I thought of something that I had to tell her. I just had to say it. I said, "dusk." She looked up at me. Then I said, "about karai. I can't tell you why now. But we have to let her join us. We need her." Dusk jumped on top of me and brought out her claws. She yelled at me in a whispering voice and got close to my face. "Do you have any idea what she could do to you?! Us?! Remember what she did to your brothers?! Has that little fact slipped your mind?" She stepped away from my face. But she continued to sit on me with her claws digging into my skin. I said, "she's changed. She wants to help us." Then dusk raised a claw at me. "Why can't you tell me?! What's going on?!" I said, "I know what happened to you. You were abducted, weren't you?" She stepped off me. Her claws sunk back in her paws. Then after a long pause, she said, "yes, I was abducted by the foot clan. And karai was their leader."

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