1 Virgil & Deceit (platonic[?])

228 2 3

Words: 1269
Triggers: hints at suicide, Bad family environment, Bullying
Disclaimer, I did this at 5:34AM and haven't slept in God knows how long. Not my best work!

The emo boy stepped back, a few tears fell from his eyes and down his cheeks as he looked at his work. Yellow lights began to illuminate from the floor, seemingly lighting the walls up.
Virgil's sleeved arms quickly moved to cover his eyes, hiding from the blinding yellow. When he lowered his arm the lights began to dim down and there stood a man with a hat, cloak and snake scales on half of his face. He was dressed in what looks like a darker version of a butler get up. He was, as well standing in an oddly over dramatic pose, one arm tilting his hat down and the other hovered around his elbow.
"You called mortal?" His deeper voice startled Virgil but he wasn't going to let it show.
Virgil looked at him showing no fear despite knowing making a deal with this man was something to be fearful of. "You and I both know why I summoned you. Can we get on with this?"
The males hands dropped, turning fully to Virgil, acting as if he had spent years on his short show only for Virgil to blow it off. "Fine. What do you propose small boy?" He leaned down, looking Virgil in the eyes.
"I will trade you my soul," this immediately made the man smirk " in return you will..." Virgil broke eye contact and looked at his feet, finding them suddenly interesting. " you have to be my friend."
One of the man's perfectly arched eyebrows rose as he looked the sad teen over. Soon a small scoff was heard before he let his posture lax. "Deal kid." He held out his gloved hand and Virgil immediately shook it, making the deal official.
They both seemed content. The devil got a soul and the boy got a friend.

Virgil's POV


I cover my ears as the yells from my parents got louder. "Why did my headphones go missing now of all times?" A shaking sensation comes over me as my anxiety begins to kick in. Ok Virgil, in for 4, hold for 7, out for 8.
When I can keep my legs from shaking and begin to get up to look for my phone so I can play some music. As I look up I see that man.
"Kid? You seem great... what's going on?" I feel a hand on my shoulder as before I know it I've ran into the arms of the devil. Honestly, not the first time it happened. He did just what he normally did. He ran his hands through my hair and did that weird thing where he turns my room into somewhere else.
With a quick glance around I can see he made it look like Paris, I wasn't feeling it. I just kinda put my head back into his chest. No matter what it looked like, it still sounds like home.


I sat at the desk in my room, drawing a picture of God only knows what. The man sat on my bed quietly. "Sometimes he comes because I need a friend, it was part of the deal right? Other times I think he just comes to come. Maybe it because he needs a break from his work? Or maybe he just had nothing to do. Either way I'm not complaining, having someone around can be calming." Pulling myself out of that train of thought I focused back on the drawing, adding a black cat on the rooftop of the crumbling skyscraper and giving the sun a face, kinds like the moon's face off of souleater. I smirk at the sun, kinda proud of myself.
"Say, kid, whatcha drawing over there?"
My response came without a thought, my pencil not stopping as I gave the cat a twisted grin. "Just doodling"
I could feel the man lean over me. "The cat looks comforting."


I watch as the school jock beat up some kid. I, myself never had a problem with them. They were nice, but i guess they made a mistake coming out to the school as anything but their given gender.
I would help, honestly I would but I know if I ever tried my beating later would be worse.
"Good luck friend, sorry I couldn't help you right now but I promise you'll get through this." I sent my silent message as I grabbed my bag and made my way to my next class.


I looked up at the ceiling.
"Say, what's your real name?" It was a question that had crossed my mind a few times but I never really thought too much into it. I guess it is kinda weird how I just call him "the man"
Out of the corner of my eye I can see him look over at me before looking back at the old sketch book I had been drawing in.
"My real name? Hmm good question."
I looked at him. Was- was that it? Was he not going to answer me?
"To be honest, I do remember. Everyone called me by it but I suppose you couldn't just call me Deciet, it fits quite well if I don't say so myself. Kid, why don't you leave the last pages blank?"
Wow... changing the subject much? Whatever. "I don't like how it feels the draw on them. Each sketchbook is a story in my life and filling in the last page kinda seems like I'm ending that story."
All I got in reply was a soft "Hmm, that's interesting notion in it's own way"


My feet hung off the edge. I was alone today, Deceit wasn't here. Times like this I often drift off into my thoughts. I'm not to sure it's a good thing. Being alone often allowed thoughts that made me more anxious then normal. Thoughts that shouldn't be thought of. Often I try to push them away but they only seem to get worse.

My fingers grab at my hair and I can feel my breath get heavy. "Ok Virgil, in for 4, hold for 7, out of 8." I think this over and over until I can feel myself relax completely. I take a deep breath before closing my eyes.
A momma bird could be he heard on one of the upper branches. Well I guess I'm not completely alone.


"Virgil, why isn't it that whenever that Squirrel gets the acorn it gets away?"
I let out a smell chuckle. "I don't know." I go back to watching ice age, hugging the pillow in my lap as Deceit continues to ask questions, laying with his feet up the wall and his head hanging over the edge.


I sit in the hospital bed, calm. No anxiety seems to be eating at me like it normally is my only regret was not being able to help that kid in the end.
The doctors seem panicked but I don't know why. A smile finds it's way to my lips. Everything looks kinda blurry. Is it from the lack of blood? I don't know and honestly I don't care. I close my heavy eyelids and am over taken in darkness.
The only thing I can see is a flashing yellow then the man, holding a sketch book open to it's last page. "Kid... why did you do it?"
He's here. The only person I could count on. Of course he's here. I give him the same smile I had in the hospital "Well, I finished that story."
I made my way to his side, looking down at the paper. Rainbows covering the page, providing a bright background to a carefully sketched picture of the man, holding out his hand and a hand reaching to take it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2019 ⏰

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