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“Brrring~ Brrring~”

The alarm on Chen’s phone broke the silent darkness.

“Goddamn it.”

Chen’s arm lazily reached out from under the covers, smacking around on the night stand in search for the noisy phone.

“Brrring~ Brrring~”

When his hand hit the small cold piece of annoying metal, he gripped it and yanked it from its charger.

“Brrring~ Brrring~”

Chen retracted his arm, bringing the phone into the covers.

“I’m awake, damn it. Will you shut it?!”

“Brrring~ Brrring~”

He sat up and finally shut off the alarm, setting the phone back onto the cluttered nightstand.

Chen groaned and ruffled his hair. His long arms stretched above his head, fingers wiggling, bringing back the feeling of his stiff limbs. He looked about the dark room yawning and scratching his bare stomach. Throwing his covers to the side, Chen swung his feet around to the floor and slipped his cold feet into some worn slippers. He shuffled to the small primitive bathroom near the kitchen section of the small apartment. A few minutes later, Chen came out, sweat pants riding dangerously low on his hips, showing a generous amount of boxers and hip bones. He washed his hands in the kitchen sink before dunking his whole head under the weak stream.  His hands ran through his dark brown hair letting the water wet all of it. After shutting off the faucet, Chen reached out for the dish towel sitting on the right of the sink. He draped the towel over his head, rubbing it around in attempt to dry it even a little bit. Setting the towel back in its spot on top of the cheap laminate countertop, he made his way to the fridge. His hair dripped onto his bare torso, gliding all the way down his lean self before dampening his boxers.

Chen yanked the stubborn fridge open, lighting up the room. The boy sighed at the empty fridge, which was void of anything to make a reasonable breakfast. He reached for the water pitcher, the only thing in the fridge, and reached for a glass in the nearby cabinet using the light from the fridge to guide him. Chen put his foot on the edge of the fridge’s door while he poured his drink, chugged it down, and proceeded to go for a second time. He threw the cup across the miniscule kitchen into the sink, then put away the pitcher, submerging himself into darkness again.

The boy stood still for a while to let his eyes readjust to the blackness before trudging to his dresser situated next to his bed. He leaned over his bed and reached for the lamp sitting on the nightstand and tugged on the chain. With his room dimly lit, Chen opened a few drawers, grabbing a black v-neck and a pair of ripped up black jeans. The boy stripped to his boxers and sniffed the sweats he was previously wearing. He shrugged and stuffed them under his lonely pillow and continued to get dressed. Chen fixed the covers over the single bed; he may be a mess, but if his mom taught him one thing, it would be that even if the room looked like trash, his bed should at least be made.

He grabbed his cologne on the top of the dresser; his mother had bought it for him a few months back when he visited because she thought he smelled like he regularly rummages through trash--long story. The boy sprayed on just enough to mask the fact that he actually hasn’t showered in a week. Chen was about to grab his laptop bag when a knock sounded throughout the room. He groaned, knowing exactly who it was banging on his door.

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