The Nights

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Ginny and Harry held there children's hands as they said there goodbyes. Then with a snap of Harry's finger they were gone.
                        2YEAR HAS PASSED
"Hermione dear? Are you alright" Ron asked her.She was bending over the sink crying. She had soap all over her from washing the dishes, but she was also in tears.
"Hermione it's alright, it's alright" he said calmly as he put a hand gently down on her back.
" No Ron it's not alright!" She snapped back and sobbed. " Hermione it's not your fault" he said."Yes it it Ronald!" She placed her head down on his chest. " Ro..Ron I'm so so..sorry"
He wrapped his arms around her gently." It's alright. Come on let's go lay you down I'll fished the dishes."he said calmly. And then kissed her.(even though it's been about 1year since the night Hermione still feel pain and for her it feels just like it happened yesterday)
___FLASH BACK TO THE NIGHTS______________
(Ron and only lived in the new home for 2weeks)
Ron was still trying to work out how the television worked. He was very fascinated but the muggle machine.
"RON!" Hermione came running out of the bathroom with a smile from ear the ear.
"What is it?"he asked confused.
Ron were pregnant!!!
Ron jumped out of his seat. He ran and picked up his wife spinning around.He smiled so much then laid her down.
He stopped.
"Dear what is it?" Hermione asked
"I'm..I'm gonna be a dad! An...and your gonna be a m..mum! He kissed her head, she grabbed his face and passionately kissed him on the lips.He picked her up and laid her on the bed and then bent over her and kissed her neck.Hermione always enjoyed there "moments". She began to giggle.
"Ron..stop stop" she laughed. "It's bad for the baby"(she had only guesses that because this was there first time being pregnant)
" Curse this baby"he said they both laughed sat up on the bed.
News got around quick. Everyone was very excited and they did what ever they could to help.One day Ron's father came by using Floo Powder. Hermione was upstairs reading while Ron was washing dishes and watching tv.
"Dad, What are you doing here?"
"Ron we need to talk, privately." He replied. He sounded serious so Ron came over and they sat down.
"Ron there looking for you."
" A couple of Death Eaters got on the lose, they kept repeating they were coming for anyone who helped Potter." Ron sat there listening closely and began to worry." Me,Molly ,and the rest of your siblings and there family managed to make it to shell cottage. We need to get you and Hermione there fast."Ron agreed....

The Nights That Came True/Romione love storyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant