"Nugget wanted to see why it was making a funny noise." Nugget answered honestly.

Felix let go of Nugget and climbed to his feet, snatching up his phone before Nugget had the chance to. "What funny noise?" the rich boy asked only to look at his phone which was making a soft crackling noise now, "Goddammit, is this thing broken?" he looked at the screen and suddenly looked as if he was shot, "who broke the screen?" Felix instantly shot the evils at Nugget.

"Nugget found it like that!" Nugget defended.

Felix then noticed his clothes only to look up at the sky to find the raining powder, "and what the Devil is all this?"

The two remained quiet, confused by the world around them. What were they going to do? They had no clue where they were and they were sure the school never looked like that before. Suddenly, the crackling slowly got louder and this time Felix noticed.

"What on Earth? Phones don't do this!!" he panicked, "Father's going to kill me! These phones aren't cheap you know!"

"Nugget knows that, why do you think Nugget doesn't have one himself?" the boy sighed.

Felix opened his mouth to speak only to flinch as the crackling became extremely loud. "Make it end!!" he cried, dropping his phone on the pavement to cover his ears alongside Nugget.

"Nugget doesn't like the crackling phone!!" the boy whimpered.

"Well, Nugget if that's your name, neither do I but it's your fault you broke it-- Are you even listening? Look at me when I'm talking to you!" Felix snapped noticing Nugget looking out at the road but failed to notice how Nugget had gone pale and wide-eyed in the face.

"Felix?" Nugget gulped, "look..." he pointed at the direction he was staring at.

Confused but agitated, Felix turned his attention to where Nugget was pointing. His look of annoyance instantly washed away as he saw what made Nugget so afraid.

In the distance but coming their way staggering was a tall human-like figure but its head kept making funny little movements, neither boys could see hands or feet on the thing but as it came closer they could make out what looked to be as if something crashed through a window. It had loads of markings and had glass-like claws on the ends of its limbs. This creature had no eyes but two holes for a nose and no mouth.

"What is that thing?" Felix gasped in horror.

"Nugget doesn't know but it seems to be making the crackling phone get louder!!" Nugget panicked.

Felix looked down only to instantly grab his phone which buzzed in his hands like a trapped bee. The two boys ran to the door while the creature staggered even closer. They banged and heaved as much as they could on the doors but nothing.

"It's getting closer!!" Felix panicked as he noticed the thing five steps away from the stairs.

Nugget looked around only to notice the sewer grate and a lightbulb lit up in his head. He grabbed Felix's arm only to rush down to it.

"Get in!!" he cried, watching Felix look at him before dropping to his knees and beginning to crawl in with his phone in hand. Felix tumbled in and landed on his butt which caused minor pain. Nugget went on his knees but before he crawled in, he took one look back and yelped to find the creature almost hovering over him.

"Nugget!" Felix gasped seeing Nugget paralyzed in fear as the creature got closer. The rich boy dropped his phone only to reach in and grabbed Nugget by his hips only to yank in the underground part of the school. Nugget ended up hitting the back of his head before winding up falling and landing on Felix's stomach.

"Sorry Felix, Nugget didn't mean it," Nugget said, getting off the rich twin.

"It's fine, I pulled you in any way, my fault." Felix looked at Nugget up and down only to flinch as he saw a large wound on his leg that was currently bleeding a lot of blood, "what happened to your leg?"

"When you pulled Nugget the big monster managed to get Nugget in the leg..." the boy whimpered, looking at his bleeding wound.

"Let's find you a bandage and get you fixed up... but let's also find a way out of this underground part of the school and into the main part of the building." Felix sympathized only to watch Nugget smile and nod.

"Where's Felix's brother? Teddy? Nugget misses Teddy." Nugget suddenly asked.

"I don't know... When I woke up, I didn't check my surroundings as you going to take my phone was the first thing I saw." the boy answered.

"Let's get moving before another creature decides to make Nugget and Felix into a free lunch." Nugget gulped.

Felix cleared his throat, dusting himself off, "agreed. Let's get moving."

Suddenly, there was a loud ding noise that made both boys jump. They looked to find an elevator open and awaiting them.

"Do you trust this?" Nugget asked.

"What other option do we have?" Felix frowned.

"Come on, Felix, maybe we'll be able to find the others if we go through this elevator!" Nugget said walking over.

Felix viewed the situation only to sigh, "alright." he then looked down, "let me just get my phone. If it buzzed when that thing came near then maybe it'll come handy." Felix's fingers reached the phone and curled around the device, "righty then. Let's go, Nug..." but when Felix lifted his head he heard a scraping noise from above. He looked at the grate only to let out a terrified scream as he found the creature staring at them through the gate, scraping one of its claws against the bars, "Nugget!! Wait for me!!" Felix cried, tears filling his eyes and he rushed away into the elevator and into Nugget in almost hug.

"Lesson learned, never look back."



"I'm scared... What if we don't find them?"

"Teddy quit being a baby and help us by shining that torch in that grate." Carla groaned, yanking Teddy's arm into the right position that the torch he held was now shining into the darkness of the underground part of the school.

"Bob was kind enough to allow us to have the grate open to search for Nugget and Felix, guys, let's not be too hasty." Maxwell sighed, "besides, we're the only three who dared to look for them."

Teddy sniffed, wiping away his tears, "I just hope we find them soon... I really miss him."

"I know, Teddy, I know..." Maxwell said softly to the twin.

As Maxwell looked and Teddy shined his torch while Carla watched over. Teddy felt nervous as he held the torch only for his eyes to lock on something black and moving. In a split second, he knew what the thing crawling towards his hand was.

"AGH!!! SPIDER!!" He screeched, flailing his arms and sent the torch flying.

"Ow!" Carla winced as the torch smacked her in the nose, causing a small nose bleed.

"Sorry... But I saw a spider nearly touch my hand!" Teddy whimpered.

"At this point, we'll never find them!"


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2019 ⏰

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