“Hey Sis are you ok” I say trying to keep the worry out of my voice.

“Hey Seth” she says sounding surprised but happy.

“Are you okay this is the second time I have felt that something has been going on and that you are in trouble” I say not being able to keep the worry out any longer.

“I’m better now how are you? How is the new place” she asks.

“What do you mean you are better now? You need to tell me Aria I’m going crazy.”

“Well why don’t I put you on speaker and the 4 of us can have this conversation together.”

“Okay who else is there?”

“Cole and Nick the others went out so we could talk.”

“God I’ve missed so much” I whisper thinking that maybe it wasn’t a good idea to split up now. I mean we are doing this for the good of the family because of Trent’s dreams. His dreams showed us all being in danger if we stay together but I’m beginning to think maybe Aria and Cole were right, what if this is just a ruse to keep us apart.

“Hey brother what’s happening” I hear Nick say over the receiver.

“Not much just got settled in. What about you, what trouble have you three been into?”

“Oh you know the usual. A few fights, being poisoned, and some dreams. Like I said the usual” Cole says.

“Wait what fights and who was poisoned and dreams what dreams. You three have a lot of explaining to do. How come no one ever called any of us” I say feeling like a weight was put on my chest. As I was saying all this I didn’t notice that the others Trent, Carter, and Travis came in.

“What do you mean someone was poisoned” Carter shouts.

“If all of you shut up and let us explain we will. Now do you want from the time we left your old pack house or when we got to Disneyland” Aria asks.

“Start from the beginning” Travis says.

As they took a deep breath they started relaying everything to us from making Aria their Alpha,  being attacked in the airport parking lot, Jade meeting her mate who is a vampire, Aria fighting all her new pack member and one other person Jack, I think his name was, and he was the one who poisoned her during their fight. Then there was Aria becoming stronger and more powerful and this Max guy has a thing for my sister. Well he needs to watch out even though Nick and Cole approve he’s going to need our approval too.

“Hey I heard that and you can’t approve you aren’t anywhere near us” Aria says.

“Well how bout when you get to Oregon to move in we come help and then we can meet him” Trent says.

“Fine if it will appease you boys” Aria giggles.

“Anyway what about this dream you had Aria” I ask.

“Yeah you still need to tell us too” Cole and Nick say.

“Alright I’ll tell you but I think it is all just a lie” Aria says. Then she takes a deep breath and gets ready to tell us when one of my pack members Clay, who we picked up ion one of the cities we stopped in along with his mate Savanah, walks in.

“Hey Sis just a second” I say. “What’s the matter Clay?”

“We have a problem there were some rouges spotted just outside the territory, but they don’t seem to want to attack” Clay says. “Chris and Blake are staying close to keep an eye on them and wait for you.”

“Okay we will be right there” I say. “Hey Sis I’ll call you back later okay I have to go take care of this.”

“Go ahead I understand you’re the alpha you need to take care of the problem. We’ll call after we get to San Jose give me your number” Aria says.

“It’s 636-534-6984. Talk to you guys later” I say and hang up.

“Let’s go take care of this rouge problem” I say to the guys and we all get up, walk to the woods, and shift. After we shift we take off to go see what these rouges want.

Cole’s POV:

After Aria hung up the phone with Seth Nick and I turn and look at her waiting for her to tell us her dream.

“Are you going to tell us, or do we have to pry it out of you” Nick jokes.

“Okay I’ll tell you but it’s probably nothing because I don’t believe it anyway and”

“Aria out with it” I say interrupting her babbling.

“Right sorry” she says. She takes a deep breath and starts.

“Well I woke up and I was in this mansion and it was beautiful. Well this lady came in and said that since I was awake now that they would see me and I didn’t know who “they” were. I followed her and she lead me to this big conference room place and there were 4 really beautiful women sitting there waiting for me. They said their names were Sasha, Jezebel, Serenity, and Hope. They said they were the Original’s Mates so that would make them the Original females. Anyway they said they knew our parents. But what is strange and the reason it can’t be real is that they said our fathers were these people named Lucian, Jasper, and Mark. And then they said that they would be Cole, Travis, Carter, and Trent’s great grandmothers. I don’t understand.”

“Are you sure that was all they said” I ask her wondering how she could’ve known parts of the legend Conner just told us.

“Well they also said that Nick, Seth, and I’s parents were human before they basically kidnapped them and experimented on them turning them into the perfect hybrids and fighting machines. They were supposed to have fought each other but it turned out they were mates. Why what am I missing?”

“Well we weren’t going to tell you this yet but Conner just told us about a legend and he basically told us what you just said” Nick says looking confused.

“But it’s just a legend and until we find out from another source and have proof it will stay just that a legend” I say trying to ease all of our minds.

“You’re right it just scared me because I wouldn’t want it to be true and them try to take you away from me, from us” Aria says fighting back tears. I know she is normally this tough girl but when comes to our family and now our pack she will fight to keep everyone together.

“I know Little One” I say pulling her more into my side and hugging her. Nick hugs her from the other side and we hold her while she cries. She has been through so much these past few days but I will never let anyone take her away from me or me away from her. As I think to myself how much I love and admire the strength my little sister has I feel her breathing start to even out and her crying die down to whimpers.

“I think she is asleep” Nick whispers.

“Me too but I wanna stay with her awhile longer” I whisper back.

“Okay well I’m going to see if I can find the others and get some lunch I’m hungry” He says as his stomach grumbles.

“Alright bring us back some food when you guys are ready to come back to the rooms” I say laying Aria down and cuddling next to her.

“Will do brother” Nick says as he walks out the room shutting the door lightly behind him. Aria stirs but only to cuddle closer to me if that is even possible.

“I love you Cole and thank you for being my best friend, my brother, and my rock” she whispers and snuggles into me falling right back to sleep.

“You’re welcome Little One. And thank you for doing and being the same for me” I whisper back. I kiss her on the top of her head and feel myself drifting off to sleep cuddling with my sister like we always used to do.

Twisted Fate (UN-EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now