
After about 10 minutes everyone minds their own business again and doesn't pay attention to Billie and I anymore. And in 10 minutes, it's New Year.

I'm now just sitting in Billie's lap, who's setting on the couch, talking to Remi, Harry and Morgan.

Jose comes over to us. "Okay, so for the countdown, I want to stand on the stage and count down, using the mic and then popping open a bottle of champagne." He says looking at Billie and I. "Okay, you can. Why are you telling us this?" I ask. "You guys have to make sure no one is on the stage anymore then." He says. "Just ask Owen to say it through the mic." I tell him. "Good, good, good." He says, pointing at me, before turning around to the DJ. This boy can be so weird sometimes.

He tells him something, before Owen turns down the music. "Okay, countdown is about to start, everyone make place for Jose on the stage please." Owen says through the mic, then he turns up the music again and hands the mic to Jose. Everyone leaves the stage and dance around it, while Jose makes his way onto the stage.

When it's only exactly 10 seconds left, the projector turns on and Jose starts yelling through the mic and his voice spreads through the whole building and even further through the speakers.











"Happy New Year!" He yells through the mic, popping the bottle of champagne open, causing it to spray down on all the people surrounding him.

I'm still just sitting in Billie's lap, laughing at Jose going crazy. "Happy new year, babe." She says kissing me. She places her hands on both sides of my hips and pulls me close to her, so that I'm straddling her. She deepens the kiss even more. I move my hand, tangling my fingers in her hair.

"There you are."

What has Finneas with interrupting us all the time?

"I was searching you guys bro, I thought you guys were fighting. But it seems like you two are good." He says awkwardly, seeing what he interrupted. "Happy new year, by the way." He adds. Billie pushes me away a little, so she can look at her brother. "Finneas, seriously bro. You really know when to interrupt." She sighs, causing him to laugh. He sits down next to us. "Happy new year, Fin." I smile. "Thank you." He says.

"Where's Claudia anyway?" Billie asks. "She's celebrating new year with her family." He sighs, pouting.

Our little coversation is interrupted once again. "Come on, let's dance!" Remi shouts over the music, taking Finneas' and my hand and pulls us up, to the dance floor, Billie follows us too.

Half of our group of friends is dancing, the other half is off somewhere doing their thing, I guess. But I don't care, we all just dance and have fun for hours. Until I start to get thirsty. I tell Billie that I'm gonna go get a drink and leave to the kitchen.

I grab a bottle of beer and open it, taking a sip out of it.

"Hey, we're playing beer pong upstairs, you wanna join?" I turn around, to see Archie was standing there awkwardly. "Uh Billie is just right there." I say pointing at the crowd dancing. "I don't think she's gonna like it if I was gonna go play beer pong with the guy who basically got us broken up last time." I say awkwardly. He nods. "Just come up stairs to say hey to Richard then?" He asks, on which I agree. I mean, I haven't seen him at Christmas as usual, so I might as well say hey to him. I didn't even know he was going to be here.

I follow Archie upstairs to just find the other half of our friends is playing some game upstairs with some other kids from school.

"Hey Richard." I say when he's done throwing his ball. "Oh hey, how are you?" He asks, pulling me in a hug. "Yeah, I'm good. I didn't know you were gonna be here." I tell him. "Well I couldn't miss seeing my famous best friend, could I?" He says, causing me to roll my eyes. "I'm not famous." He shrugs. "Not far from being famous." He laughs.

I pull my phone out when I notice it has vibrated. It's a message from Billie.

Billie: Where are you? Are you okay? Thought you were just gonna get a drink.

Me: I'm upstairs with Archie and Richard

Less then five minutes later I see Billie coming up the stairs too. When she sees me, she comes standing next to me, slipping an arm around my waist, probably to remind Archie and Richard that I'm taken. I'm proud of her for keeping it cool though. She shakes both their hands, giving them a smile. We make some small talk with Archie, while Richard is finishing his game of beer pong with the guys he's playing with.

"You guys want to play?" Richard asks when the game is finished. Billie shakes her head. "No thank you, I don't really drink." She says. "Alexis?" Richard asks. "No, Alexis doesn't want to play either." Billie answers in my place. She takes my hand and drags me away from Archie and Richard. 

"Where are we going?" I ask her when I notice she's not dragging me downstairs. But before she could answer, I already saw she was taking me to the stairs that lead to the highest floor. Jose had closed off the entrance to the stairs with forbidden access-tape, but she just rips it open and takes me upstairs.

"I thought Jose said nobody was allowed to get to the highest floor?" I ask her. "I don't care what Jose said." She mumbles and keeps walking.

When we get upstairs, we enter a room that looks like the living room that was downstairs, but way nicer. Billie pushes me onto the nearest couch. "Finally alone." She mumbles against my lips, while straddling me.

Well, this is hot.

"Happy new year." She whispers in between kisses, while she slides my shirt off.

Blue haired teen (Billie Eilish)Where stories live. Discover now