Part 27

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[Friday night ]

Yuqi was walking towards gate 17 for her flight at Incheon Airport. Many fans were there taking pictures of her. As usual she would always pose for her fansites.

After an hour later she finally got on her flight . She than sat on a seat that was beside the window and stares outside . The seat beside her was empty. 

After a few minutes later, a guy suddenly sat beside her . The guy was breathing heavily.. guessing from the look he might've  run to catch the flight.  The guy was wearing a black mask on his face so she couldn't recognize him at first.  He then takes off his mask.

It was Yanan

Yanan : Wow that was close

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Yanan : Wow that was close..

Yuqi : Yanan?

Yanan : Oh it's you

Yuqi : Wow not just the same flight but also sitting beside me...

Yanan : Ahahahhah  , am I a genius?  I've planned this.

Yuqi : pfftt like I would believe you

Yanan : Aren't you exhausted  cause I am.  Wake me up when someone offers food.

Yuqi : Ahahahhah ( slaps Yanan)

Yanan : Ahahahhah I'm serious okay.  Goodnight..

Yanan then sleeps

After a few minutes Yuqi also had fallen asleep.

They both slept well  .

A flight attendant suddenly wakes Yanan up to offer him food. He was shocked that Yuqi's head was on his shoulders.

Yanan : Can I just have a mineral water?

He then pays for it. 

" You look beautiful when you sleep and cute when you're up" says Yanan to himself.

Not long after that,  he woke up Yuqi

Yanan : Yuqi,  we're going to arrive.

Yuqi opens her eyes and realize that she was sleeping on Yanan's shoulder.

She immediately wakes up and apologized.

Yanan just laughed and faces the other way

Stay With Me : LuQiWhere stories live. Discover now