4. Escapees

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(POV: Plug)

"Wha??" I cried out. Where was he?? All that was left of the professor were his glasses, which appeared to have dropped if the cracks were anything to go by. A little bolt of electricity flickered from my tail in anger, I seem to remember.

After we heard the laughter, we darted straight to the Professor's lab to try to get an explanation, especially as it seemed that in going that way we got closer to the source of the noise. Alas, he was not found there and the laughter ended.

"Boos." Rob stated, calmly. I and Grunt looked at Rob in alarm. I think Grunt might even have even jumped at their mention.
"You can't really mean that?" Grunt asked, nervously. I, too, was pretty afraid of Boos; after all, they did have an entire mystery built around them and they didn't even seem to be affected by the Dark Moon itself. And I knew that whilst me and Grunt suspected boos, it felt a lot worse to come to mentioning them out loud.

Unfortunately, in not being affected by the Dark Moon they could destroy it, as did happen only a year prior to these events. I closed my eyes and thought of a way for us to disprove that boos were behind this. And then I remembered.

"The Boo Canister!" I shouted, perhaps too loudly, causing both of my very new friends to jump. Whilst Rob looked puzzled, Grunt smiled as if to say 'Of course!'. And so we journeyed down into 'The Museum' a place which the professor had worked on for the year since the Dark Moon was restored, containing paintings, hanging on the walls; jewels, beautiful wonders from Evershade Valley, and plenty of empty ghost canisters. Except for one, of course. It was a pretty nice place, but it wasn't particularly visited because of the boos which were stored within them. Not even I particularly wanted to be within this locality to the boos.

Eventually, we located the Boo Statue, a wonderfully spooky statue, which we activated in order to let us access the viewing hole of the canister. Only to see-

"Don't worry guys, they're still there!" I said, relieved to the highest degree. Both my friends checked and they both agreed, Grunt less inclined to look than Rob was. And yet, something still seemed off to me.

Although I passed the feeling off at first, in the corner of my eye, I noticed a glimpse something. A shining crystal. Of course, as I looked closer, it was King Boo's crown. But in taking a closer look at it, the feeling only grew. I looked back to Rob, asking, "Does anyone else feel off?" Before turning back towards the crown. Except, I didn't. The crown was gone with no trace. No. I grabbed the canister and looked with as quick a glance as I could and- NO.

I looked from the statue before I mustered up the strength to say, "T-they're gone."

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