7: I Sing a 3-Headed-Dog to Sleep

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Ok. I have less than a week to prepare for the first task. I know that I'm going to sing it to sleep. I just need to practice. And the fact that the whole school will be watching doesn't help. I sigh. I'm currently sitting on my bed, practicing a few different songs. I'm not sure what I'm going to sing in the arena, but I do know that I'm going to sing.

The day has finally come. It's the day of the first task. I wake up feeling nervous. I get dressed in simple clothes. A red sweater, black jeans, and gold tennis shoes. I put on a charm bracelet James sent me once, and throw my hair into a French braid, then go down to breakfast.

 I put on a charm bracelet James sent me once, and throw my hair into a French braid, then go down to breakfast

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I sit down, but don't eat much. Instead I sing very quietly to myself. James walks over and sits next to me. "Don't worry. You'll be fine. You figured it out within 2 days of getting the clue. You've had plenty of practice." He is surprisingly good at reassuring people. I smile. "I'm more just nervous about singing in front of everyone." He nods in understanding. "You'll be fine. I promise." I nod. That's when I realize. "Where's Sirius?" James shrugs. "No idea. But I'm sure he's fine. I suddenly gasp. It all fits now. "I know what I have to save to get the clue." James looks at me curious. "Well? What is it?" I look him in the eyes. "Sirius. The clue said I have to save something I love. Sirius is my boyfriend, so of course I love him. So therefore it all fits. Sirius isn't here, because they are preparing him so I can save him." James nods. "You'll be fine." I smile. I do a last minute mental song change, knowing the song I want to sing. I start quietly singing to myself.

After eating breakfast, I go to the lake, and practice turning rocks into stereos. And then I practice setting them to play the music. And finally I practice singing with the music. Then, James comes to tell me It's time. I go down to the quidditch pitch, which is where they set up the event today. I go into the champion's tent and silently sing to myself, gripping my wand. The person in charge of the event tells us to draw a coin from the bag. He says the coin will have a number, telling us what order we will go in. The French girl draws first. She draws a 2. I go next. I feel the two coins and then drop one, pulling the other out. On it, is the number 1. Dang. I should've picked the other one. Welp. I go stand near the curtain, preparing to go out.

The cannon sounds, and I leave the tent. I was correct. In front of me is a Cereberus, and in the cage is Sirius and a small Sphynx figurine. I take a deep breath, transfigure a rock into a stereo, charm it to play music, and start singing.

"I tried. On my own I thought I'd get there. Around, and round. But I was only getting nowhere. Then you came along and gave me something. Something that I could believe in Trust in. And I won't go back again."

I slowly walked forward as I sang. The Cereberus suddenly falls to the ground asleep, and I keep singing, while running to the cage.

"As long, As I have you. I can live, like there's nothing left to lose. You unbreak every fracture in my heart. Nothing in this world, could ever tear this love apart."

I'm at the cage by then. I use a nonverbal spell and unlock the cage, grabbing the figurine and Sirius's arm and running away. I never stopped singing the entire time.

"They say you gotta take the good with the bad. I'll take it all as long as I have you. (As long as I have) you."

I reach the victor's tent and stop singing. I use the reversal spell on the rock. Right after I drag Sirius in the tent and smile. "I did it! I actually did it!" He grins and hugs me. "Yes you did. You should sing more often. You've got a beautiful voice. I blush and look down. "No... I just sing for fun... I really don't think I sound that good..." He puts two fingers under my chin and lifts my head, so I have to look at him. I flinch slightly at the touch but he doesn't notice. "You are amazing Lexi. Don't put yourself down. You are truly amazing. You fought a death eater and you just defeated a Cereberus. You are truly one amazing human being." I smile. "Thanks. I needed that." He hugs me and I hug back. We must have been talking for a while because after that, we are being told who placed where. I grinned when I heard the places. I placed first, Stephan placed second, and the French girl placed last.

Afterwards, I went to the common room and surprisingly there was no party. But I guess I'm glad, because I'm quite tired. There'll probably be a party tomorrow. I went up to my dorm, changed into pajamas, and fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up and sighed. I think I'll go ahead and try to figure out the next clue, even though I still have a few months. I grabbed the Sphynx figurine and went into the bathroom. I tapped my wand to the figurine and it started to speak, in it's riddle-like manner.

Into the darkness you shall venture.

Challenges you shall face.

Find the key to open the door.

And you shall be deemed safe.

1 hour you'll have to find your way out.

Or else you might meet a messy fate.

I listened to it and almost instantly realized most of it. We'll have to go somewhere, and find a key to the doorway out. We'll have one hour to look, or we might die. But where are we going? Oh well. I'll figure it out eventually. For now, I'm going to get ready for the day.

I got dressed then went to the Great Hall.

I sat at the Gryffindor table and smiled at everyone. A lot of people I didn't know came to congratulate me on winning the first task. I thanked them all politely, even though I was tired of it.


I made a few edits to this chapter, but they're pretty minor.


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