Chapter 14

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I got to sleep in for the first time in weeks this morning. I should be rejoicing over the idea of sleep but it is very bittersweet. I didn't dare visit the gym this morning in case I bothered Chip. I know it has only been twenty-four hours since our argument, but it feels like it has been weeks. I am a horrible person to do that to a friend.

I groggily get in line for breakfast. The line is moving way too slow for my taste. I can feel the morning monster inside me growl for coffee.

"Hiya, love." Harry's cooing voice breaths into my ear.

He appears out of nowhere behind me and obviously not affected by the morning sun. At this point, I have come to the conclusion that he is immune to anything and everything. Gil is also joining him but is too busy rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and ogling at the food in front of us.

I mumble a hello and turn back to see of I can get any closer to the drink stand. To my dismay, the line has only moved a few inches. Harry glides between me and my view.

"Hey no cutting the line!" I snap.

"Oh ho! I love the feistiness this morning!" He snaps his teeth at me and a growl rumbles in the back of his throat.

"I can think of another thing that you will be loving if you don't get out of my way," I try to squirm around him because he is holding up the line.

"And what is that?" He blocks me by shoving his face into mine.

"My foot up your butt," I growl right back at him.

He places his thumb in between my eyebrows. "Like I said, I love the feistiness, but no frowning. It ruins that pretty face."

"I'm not just a pretty face," I snatch a muffin off of the baked goods cart. Gil snatches a plate up and gets busy in piling it high.

"Oh I know. You got a big mouth too."

I deepen my glower.

"What did I just say?" Harry practically digs his thumb into my forehead this time.

I swat it away with my free hand. "Stop that!"

Harry cackles his insane laugh. Snatching a hand full of grapes up, he tosses one into his mouth. "Want one?"

I reach for his open palm, but he yanks the fruit away. "Nope. This one over here."

The grape that he had just thrown into his mouth sits precariously inbetween his teeth.

"How am I supposed to get that one?"

He waggles his eyebrows mischievously. "How do you want to get it?"

I flick him on the nose, and he cries out.

"What did you do that for?" He rubs his face.

I snatch the grape from his teeth and pop it into my mouth. "I wanted the grape."

Gil laughs. "She got you, dude."

Harry punches him in the shoulder. "Shut up."

I laugh with Gil and happily skip over to the open coffee bar. Grabbing a cup, I fill it with my sacred drink.

"I meant for you to kiss me, ya know?" Harry interrupts my ritual.

"I know," I try to hide my smirk by turning my back to him as I put the lid on.

"Two can play this game." His long fingers wrap around my cup.


Winking, he takes a swig and proceeds to lick the rim. He hands it back to me.

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