- Victimized -

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Seth and I walked towards the ring, side by side, smirk on our faces, teasing our opponents. We rolled inside, eyes still focus on the opponent from our sexe. The ring announcer did the usual, her little talk about whatsoever. Seth gave me a peck on the lips, before giving me a sign that he'll start off the match. I nodded and gave him a rub on the shoulder, to gave him courage. I stepped out of the ring, staying close to the turnbuckle. The referee rang the bell, it's time.

Seth and Randy were jugging around the ring, shaking their hands. Orton put up his hands up, giving my man the opportunity to hold his hands for the grapple. Rollins went for it and they went back and forth at eachother. The Viper, finally, attempted the headlock and succeeded. Seth was struggling to get out of it, his grimaces and the way he was moaning in pain was kinda cringy. I tapped the turnbuckle and stomped my feet on the ring. After, a minute, at least, Seth managed to get out of it, rolling Randy over his shoulder by his almost, bald head. I could hear Charlotte, yelling at Randy to get up. He directed himself towards the ropes, to get back on his feet. I don't know what he was thinking about but the dumbass literally went in the opponent's corner, leaving his flat ass on the ground after a boot to the face by Charlotte.

I felt my blood boiling, as I saw Seth getting stomped on the ground by that Viper, all that because of that ugly ass blondy wannabe queen. I couldn't control my temper and was about to step foot in the ring but that stupid referee wouldn't let me in. He was screaming some stuff at me but I didn't listen to shit cause I had my eyes Charlotte. My face was filled with anger. I realized it was a waste of time to deal with that shitty referee so I ended up abandoning. I lifted my arms in surrender, eyes still set on the opponent across the ring. She smirked at me, proud of the failed attempt to whoop her ass. As her lips moved, my anger increased by the second.
- That's it, I mumbled.

I left the apron and rushed towards the other side of the ring. Charlotte's ass was right above me and I knew it was time I thought her a lesson. I took her long leg, trying to pull her off the apron, but her grip on the ropes were thight and her kicks were not helping one bit. I looked over the ring and saw Seth being completely dominated which made me angrier. My anger fed me with strength. I roared with complete savegery and attempted to pull her out successfully. Her head made a huge impact with the apron, making her hair fly like crazy. A grin drew itself on my face. I'm not done with her. I took her by the bottom and threw her into the barricade.
- Sage completely unleashing on the Raw woman's champion! Charlotte should've thought twice before touching the number one contender's man. I think this is a preview of what's gonna happen at WrestleMania!
- I, on the other hand, think that this act of Sage is complete unnecessary. Charlotte was just trying to win the match! That anger might get the best of her and ruin her chances of becoming champion! Dis-gus-ting.
- I don't know Cory, she asked for it.

The commentary distracted me for a second. I always knew Cory never liked me but seriously, dude, get a grip of yourself. I gave him a nasty look, before executing a DDT on the matt. I ran back in my position and was ready to give a tag to Seth. I encouraged him by stomping and inviting the fans to cheer. I clapped like a maniac, giving out my hands. Seth looked up to me and dragged himself towards the other side of the ring, avoiding Randy's attacks. He jumped and tagged my hand. I ran in the ring and smirked at Randy. I rolled outside to get that little bitch back in. I took her by her straight blond hair and threw her inside like a Barbie doll. I mocked her, before head stomping her and kicking her ass. I threw her on the turnbuckle and went for the running knees. She dragged herself back up but boy did I leave her hanging, once again, with a head stomp. I went for the pin.

I felt someone behind me who literally just kicked me. Still holding my back in pain, I looked over and saw Orton with a grin on his face. I got up and slapped him hard. He held his jaw in shock. As I went for a punch, that time, he caught my hand in the nick of time and threw me across the ring. From the corner of my eyes, I could see Rollins watching on. His face was red as fuck. I could see his anger cause that hoe layed a finger on me. He passed is hand through his hair furiously. I had a huge smirk on my face. I crossed my arms, all smiles. Randy raised an eyebrow, questioning my sudden change of emotion.

- What are you smiling about?, He asked.
I didn't answer. He slowly turned around, until his rotation stopped, after a massive super kick. He turned back at me all dizzy. I chuckled and gave him a super kick of my own. He, surprisingly, was still on his feet. Seth and I looked at eachother, like we were reading each others' mind. We nodded in synch and went for a huge double super kick. Orton fell down in legit slow motion, before falling on the ground. My boo went for the head stomp. He went for the pin. I could see Charlotte dragging herself into the ring, trying to break the pin fall. Oh no she doesn't. I ran towards her and speared her onto matt.

I could hear the bell ring. He did it. I ran into his arms and gave him a big, sloppy kiss. The referee gave us our belts and raised our arms. We barely celebrated our victory and we could hear Stephanie's music playing. Her long brown hair was attached in a perfect, sleek ponytail. She wore her big, silver hoops, matching the rest of her bling. Her beautiful, thight dress really showed off her curves. Seth and I both looked at eachother confused. We could barely catch our breaths but tried to calm down.

- Congrats on your match you two. You both did an incredible job. Now, I think we can all agree that we need to see more of this power duo. Am I right?, She said doing these gestures, to motivate the crowd.
The fans cheered on but I was still a bit lost.
- So that is why, at WrestleMania, there will be a twist. You two will have a rematch with Randy Orton and Charlotte Flair but... There's a twist. At the main event of Wrestlemania, it will be a winner takes all, no bars hold, falls count anywhere, mixed tag team match, for the Raw woman's championship and the universal championship.
She dropped the mic and we could hear her music play as she did her sexy walk.

I couldn't believe my ears. I ran into Seth's arms, as he swung me around. His breath interacted with my neck. I looked around and saw Randy pounding on the floor in anger. On the other side, there was Charlotte, holding her head with her messed up hair, looking down in disappointment. WrestleMania, here we come baby!


Seth and I walked backstage. After a couple of congratulations and cameras everywhere, we were a bit flustered. His arms were around me and he held me close.
- Babe, I'm taking you out for Chinese food, I don't fucking care if it's almost midnight, this too amazing to act like nothing happened, he said looking down at me.
- Of course baby! Lemme just get a shower, I chuckled.
He nodded, after giving me the time and coordination for us to meet, afterwards. I was heading towards my locker room for my shower, before I felt knocked down.

I could feel fists blowing up all over me. It felt more than just one person attacking. Th- Three? I got thrown over something and it crashed under me. My hair was being pulled, my body was thrown all over the place. Blood was dripping out of my mouth.
- L- Let me...g-go...., I barely succeeded to say.
I could hear yelling and raging. Before I could get a closer look to the attackers, it was lights out.

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