1) His Aloofness

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"Jamie Parker, thirty-one-year-old woman. She was accused and arrested for the murder of her husband, David Parker. Mr. Parker was found in his three-story home at nine A.M. on Sunday morning. Time of death, seven A.M. Sunday morning." Mr. Kim stood in front of the conference table, his hand holding a clicker as he gave his presentation to his employees. "Mrs. Parker claims it was an act of self-defense. She says that she was defending herself from an abusive husband that would constantly abuse her sexually, mentally, verbally, and physically. The proof we have of that, however, is very limited." Mr. Kim took a deep breath, turning away from the projector and back at the table.

Every seat in that conference room was filled by competent attorneys. Jihye Kim, the owner of JKL Corporate law firm, looked at every attorney that paid attention attentively all throughout the presentation. Every single one had been handpicked by Mr. Kim himself. He had wanted to make sure that when he opened his office, he would be able to offer the best services for the best price, and once his work became well-known, he was forced to hire more lawyers to work under him as well as renovate his office. Now, he was the CEO of one of the best firms in the state if it wasn't the country.

"Isn't this the case that was being talked about this morning on the news?" Oliver Pruette leaned forward, his gaze on Jamie's mug shot on the projector.

"It is indeed, Oliver." Mr. Kim nodded grimly, looking at everyone seriously. "This case is going to be a difficult one. Not only is the press watching our every move but Mr. David Parker's company is very adamant on having Jamie Parker serving the longest sentence possible."

"I'm sorry, but... why?" Oliver questioned while scratching the back of his head, already frustrated with the case. "All of the evidence points against her, everyone's ready to hang her... sir, this won't look good for the firm here." He cautiously reviewed the documents in front of him.

"We don't have all of the evidence, Oliver," Katherine spoke up. She was a tax attorney and was quite used to picking on the family lawyer. "You're used to working with what you have." Katherine winked at a scowling Oliver before turning her attention to her boss. "However, Mr. Kim, I actually have to agree with Ollie here. The press is ready to hang her, the evidence that is out and known points against her. It's going to hurt this firm pretty badly once we lose."

Mr. Kim was about to speak up when Damien, who was bored already of watching the other two lawyers bicker like teenagers, spoke up, a pen being twirled in between his slender fingers.

"You said it yourself, Ms. Reed." He raised his deep green eyes to hers. "We don't have all of the evidence. Also, by the looks of it, there's a possibility that his associates are trying to play victim considering he was a major bully to his own wife. Imagine what that image would do to their reputation. Their company stocks would crash, their value would decrease, and so would their business and sales." Damien sighed, leaning back on his seat.

He didn't want to take on this case. What Oliver and Katherine had said was right. This case was rigged from the start. It would only hurt their workplace and their individual reputation.

"I understand a lot of you are concerned for the repercussions we might have to endure once we take this case and the public finds out, however, since when are we known to back down from a client?" Mr. Kim leaned on the table, looking at them all, silently intimidating most of them. "I just wanted to have this meeting to let you guys that we are taking. I will be the main defense attorney, but as you guys know, I could always use some fresh and new ideas and eyes to help do our best to win."

The attorneys that were listening to him felt at loss for what to say. Mr. Kim was their boss, as much as he respected his employees and vice versa, his workers couldn't flat out tell him how absurd his idea of winning this complex and public case was. Instead, they slowly began to trickle out of the room, their heads filled to the brim with the new information.

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