first authors note

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Okay, I'm working on the first chapter, but I wanted to thank my five readers. Less the 24 hours after posting my prologue, which has not yet been edited, I received 5 readers and that's amazing! I know it's not a lot, but for less then 24 hours, it's freaking amazing. Please comment some ideas so I don't lose confidence when writing, and I'm still inspired to write more. Give me ideas for AU's to include, or if you have a second gen oc, and you wouldn't mind me using them in my story please don't hesitate to let me know and send me their bio! I appreciate and LOVE all oc's, as long as I have all the information I need and more preferably. Yes, I will give credit to all oc's I use. I would also like to know who's reading this, so I can follow you as a quick thank you! Anyways, I'm going to end this authors note so I can write the first chapter 😀.
Thank you, and I love you all!
- 6Todoroki9
- Vedayuki

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