♡ Drunken Mess ♡︎

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               (Allie's POV)

"Allie." Cassandra yelled before leaving Allie's room.

"I don't care Cassandra I'm so tired of being your sister." I say before running downstairs.

"I'm done being stuck in your shadow." I say reaching for the half empty bottle of tequila.

I am so done with people labeling me as Cassandra's little sister I know nobody likes me as much as they like my sister but I've always tried to ignore it which is especially hard when my parents make it so obvious that they favour Cassandra over me.

When I had heard enough I ran out of the house and slammed the door. As soon as I felt the cool night air on my face I ran as fast as I could all the way to the football field bleachers which is my favourite place to go when I need to think.

I sat there on there bleachers waiting for the alcohol to sink in and that's when I heard him

"Allie Pressman drinking, now that's a rare sight." I realized right away who it was.

"What's up Bingham?" I say kind of tipsy, I hadn't realized how weird that sounded until I said it.

"Uh oh drunk are we?" Harry says.

"What happened that was so bad that drove the perfect Allie Pressman to drink?" He said sarcastically.

"Having boy troubles are we?" He says trying to get a rise out of me.

"Sister troubles" I say half enthusiastically.

Harry climbs up the bleachers sits next to me, grabs the bottle and takes a long swig.

"If I'm going to be talking about Cassandra I'm going to need to be so much more drunk than I am" He says making me laugh and roll my eyes.

"She's not that bad" I say trying to reassure myself.

"Have you ever met her?" Harry says after choking on the sip of tequila he took before responding.

"Okay so...she's that bad but she's still a good person." I say getting a little defensive.

"If she's so great than why are you mad at her?" Harry says a little confused.

"Because I'm tired of being everyone's second choice, for once I'd like to be someone's first choice." I say wondering why I revealed that to Harry Bingham, West Ham's golden boy and resident asshole.

"Anyone who would choose Cassandra over you is an idiot." He says giving me a smirk.

I smiled back at him trying not to show how happy his comment made me. It might just been because I was drunk but that night I noticed how cute Harry looked in his tight blue teeshirt, he seemed to always be wearing blue in his outfits which I didn't mind because I thought it looked okay on him.

"Anyway, we are going to play the biggest game of fugitive we've ever played tonight at 9, wanna join?" He said casually.

I shook my head no.

"Come on Pressman." He says a little more determined than last time.

"I'll think about" I say sounding a little on the fence.

"You're like no one I've ever met Pressman." He says after laughing at my answer.

After a while conversation flowed so easily for Harry and I. I wondered why Will and I never talked like this it was so simple and it made me feel better, after a while I had completely about my fight with Cassandra, well that was until I heard a familiar voice that I didn't expect to hear that night.

"What's up lovebirds?" Campbell said in a low and annoying voice.

"Fuck off Campbell" Harry says in an annoyed tone.

"So are you telling Allie about how you totally had sex with Kelly last night?" He says trying to get a rise out of me.

"What the fuck Campbell?" Harry said more annoyed than last time.

My facial expression changed as soon as I heard that, I didn't know why but hearing about Harry and Kelly made me kind of jealous.

Why am I jealous of Harry I thought to myself, I wanted Will for as long as I could remember and now I have him so I played off my jealousy as the alcohol having a weird effect on my body.

"Well I'm gonna go but I'll see you guys later." I say as I stumble on the steps of the bleachers.

Harry quickly jumps up to catch me as I fall, he grabs my shoulders to hold me upright so I didn't fall. Harry stayed with me until I sobered up enough to go back home.

I couldn't stop thinking about the kind of conversation I had with Harry, maybe I would go with him to play fugitive, after all I had nothing better to do that night and I needed to do something to take my mind off of my fight with Cassandra.


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