Entering the Awards

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To reach as many people as possible, both readers and authors can sign up for these awards. I will inform all authors about the nomination; they have always to possibility to retreat from this contest. Reader's additions however are very helpful to spread the word and inform as many people as possible. Plus, our favorite authors deserve a little time in the spotlight, right? (: 


► Every author and every reader can submit a maximum of three stories. (So six in total: three stories written by himself and three stories written by someone else)
► The story must consist of at least 5 chapters
► The story (or its sequel) must be updated in 2019
►Voting the chapters isn't required, but desirable to reach more people (:
► Stories can be signed up until October 1 by leaving the sign-up form in the comment or sending it to me by PM.
► Follow this account (at least until the end of the awards) so you won't miss any updates. 

► For the authors: please inform your followers about you participating the contest by sharing a message on your wall. The more people know about it, the better. (:

Sign-up form (please leave the info in the comment section)
Title of the Story:
Most important character:

*If it's a crossover; just pick the most important one.

~ Questions? Please leave them in the comments.

Sons of Anarchy & Mayans MC Awards 2019Where stories live. Discover now