Chapter 2

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6:45 am was the time my dreaded alarm beeped. My flight was today, at 10 am. My suitcase lay empty and hollow in the centre of my room, zipped up and untouched. The label was still on it. Just looking at it made my stomach turn in dozens of directions; my whole life was about to be stuffed tightly into it. 

For a couple of minutes I gazed up to the ceiling, unaware of my surroundings. My eyes didn't blink once. The only noise I could hear was the ticking of my clock and the squaks of the birds swarming outside. I suddenly snapped out of my trance, and let out a sigh. I promptly turned my head left and reached out to try and grab my macbook laptop. Raising my head, I stuck a pillow behind my back and sat up, resting against my headboard. Carefully I opened my laptop and turned it on. Whilst waiting for it to load up, I passed time by scrolling through my instagram feed. Finally my latop loaded and I switched on my playlist, which included Ed Sheeran and Paramore. I firmly sat the laptop down next to me.

I mentally prepared myself for the day ahead, kicked off my duvet and stood up. My feet slipped into my plush rabbit slippers - it felt like two lavish clouds where swarming my feet. I pulled open my curtains to find frost lingering on the glass windows. The sun had hardly risen, and the sky looked as grey as the day ahead. 'And you treat me just likeee, another stranger,...' Ignorance, one of my favourite songs by Paramore was playing in the background which slightly lifted up my mood. I started singing along...'it's nice to meet you, sir, I guess I'll go, I best be on my way out...'

1 and a half hours later, and I was in the taxi on my way to the airport. My backpack was sitting at my feet, containg my laptop, earphones, phone and lipbalm. It wasn't full at all. On the other hand, my suitcase was buldging with the amount of things I compressed into it. My clothes, shoes, hair products, jewellery, makeup, electronics and most importantly, memories, were condensed into a suitcase. My mum turned her head to look at me and comfortingly smiled at me, as if to say 'everything will be okay.' I smiled back and turned my head back the other way to look out the car window. My eyes flickered as they raced across the window. I didn't want to not see one bit of New York...

'$50 dollars please'. My mum's hand reached out to give the man the money, as he lifted out our suitcases and plopped them onto the ground. 'Thankyou, have a safe flight' said the man as he gave us a wave before slipping back into his drivers seat. My mum nodded and smiled. His car zoomed off into the distance as my mother and I walked in synchronization towards the airport doors. I could tell my mum was just as nervous as I was, since her face had an anxious look on it.

About half an hour later I was in the line to get Starbucks. My favourite thing to order was a caramel frappuccino (cream blend), and extra cream OF COURSE. My mum wanted a latte and a slice of extra sticky fudge chocolate cake. 'Hi there, what would you like?' asked the overly excited Starbucks barista. ' caramel creme frappuccino with extra cream and one latte'. 'Sure!' she replied. 'Names please?' 'Oh okay, Clara and June'. She scribed the names on the two cups with her black sharpie. I stood to the side and tapped on the wooden counter with my pink nails. A lady with a sour looking face, and short, blonde, straight hair glanced round to me, squinting her eyes. Raising her thin eyebrows, she looked at my fingers and then back up to my eyes. She was trying to hint to me to stop tapping, so I did. I turned back and the man serving the drinks said 'one latte for June and one caramel frap for Lara, with a slice of yummy looking cake!' He laughed. I smiled and sharply took the drinks and slice of cake. Why did they always spell my name wrong? I walked over to my mum and we both made our way to the gate where we had to wait to board.

The plane landed at 5pm. I could see some faint rain drops on my little window on the aeroplane. Great. I hated rain. It was so miserable and depressing. I dived into my backpack, brought out my phone and headphones and struck my head back onto the plane seat. I plugged them into my phone and slipped them in my ears so that I could listen to my favourite music. Ed Sheeran, 'Thinking Out Loud' came on first when I pressed shuffle. I closed my eyes and just as I was about to drift off into my own little land, my mum tapped my shoulder and whispered 'come on, we have to go now.' Taking my earphones out and turning my phone off, I half asleep made my way down the steep aeroplane stairs...

After we got our luggage and belongings, a man was waiting for us at the exit. He had a piece of card which read 'New York to London - Clara and June.' He looked at us and we saw him. 'Yes, that's us' spoke my mum; her voice sounded tired. He rapidly walked ahead of us, and I found it quite hard to keep up. By the time we reached his car, I was gasping for breath. 

The rain skimmed down the cars window. I was observing the luscious greenery that surrounded the roads. The sulky sky blanketed the houses.

All of a sudden, the car pulled up outside of a compact semi detached house. A radiant green garden was in front of the house, surrounded by beds of vivid coloured flowers. A pebbly path lead up to the front door, which was made out of a light brown wood. 'Here it is!' whispered my mum to me, with a little squeal of excitement. My mums neck extended as she tried to have a glance out of my window. I smiled to myself. My mum opened her door and I opened mine. I slung my backpack over one shoulder. 'Thankyou' said my mum to the taxi driver as I wondered off to admire the house. The gate squeaked as I opened it. I walked inside and my mum followed behind me with the two suitcases. 'Help me out Clara!' she chuckled. 'Whoops sorry mum, I got distracted' I chuckled back, whilst gripping onto my suitcase. I noticed 2 little milk bottles lying on the door step. 'Isn't it so pretty?!' asked my mum gazing in awe. My eyes widened in amazement at the house and I nodded. My mum whipped out some keys from her pocket and unlocked the door...

3 hours later and I was lying down on the extremely comfortable sofa, texting my friends on my phone. My mum had gone out to the local supermarket, a place called 'Tesco' and bought the essentials. She made me a cup of tea the way I like it, with one sugar and milk. I was completely relaxed, however, the jetlag was starting to get to me. It was 9pm here, but in New York it was 4pm. My mum told me I had to go to bed in 2 hours, if I wanted to get used to the time. I'd be starting school in a week, so next Monday. My mum was watching tv, and then she got a phone call from my grandparents. 'Hello! Hi mum! Hi dad. Oh my gosh, its lovely here...' My mum had a massive grin on her face, I could tell she adored London, and to be honest, I kind of did too...

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