IQ: "Each operator has their own room. The symbol on the door represents who's room it is."

I nod as it all clicks into place. Before I can look further Monika walks out of the room calling for me to follow her. I do, and exit the room hot on her tail. We walk down the rest of the hall, taking a hard left, stopping in front of another left. I look down to see an identical hallway to the last. Windows down the right with a door at the end. This door though, had different decorations on it. Monika explained that's where the girl's dorms are. At the end of the hallway I could see an opening that gave a view back into the cafeteria. Instead of taking the left we take a right as we travel down a slightly curved hallway.

IQ: "So the layout of the base is pretty simple. The hallway we're in right now is a giant circle. You can get into any room in the whole base through this hallway. Basically the center of the base is the cafeteria, and it all leads directly there. Every room also leads directly into this ring meaning you have two ways of entering and exiting each room."

Y/N: "Simple enough I guess. If I get lost I just walk in this circle until I find the room I'm supposed to be in?"

IQ: "Exactly."

By this point my third slice of pizza is gone and I'm just carrying around my empty plate now.

She stops and to my right I see twi giant, wooden, double doors. She pushes open the door to reveal A huge, fun looking room, with some mood lighting setting an interesting tone. To my left I see a large pool, surrounded by concrete. The pool had a volleyball net in the center, and a basketball hoop at the far end of the water. To my right I see a nice bar room with fancy red wallpaper. There is a pool table, and ping pong table in the center. In the corner there is a small TV with a few bean bags surrounding it. out of everything here though, the thing that grabbed my attention the most, was a fully stocked bar in the far back corner of the room.

IQ: "This is the commons room. The pool is always heated, and the bar is always stocked. If you ever need to find the Russians, check here first."

She chuckles, obviously amused at her own joke. I gave a slight laugh too, not because it was funny necessarily, but more to avoid making her feel bad. We walk out, back into the curved hall. We walk a little farther to be met by another opening on the left. This time, I peer in to see gym equipment everywhere. Dumbbells sitting on designated racks, a few benching stations, punching bags and many more gym equipment. The centerpiece though was a professional looking boxing ring. It was white, surrounded by red and blue foam rope. Even though I never plan on using it, I couldn't help but admire the thing.

IQ: "This is our training room. We have everything you could ever need in here."

She then points to a metal door in the corner.

IQ: "That's the shooting range, but we can save that for another time."

Y/N: "I've heard rumors that you have a special VR training room. Is that true?"

Monika frowns at this before speaking.

IQ: "Every new recruit asks that same exact question." *sigh* "Sadly, no we don't. We just have a training building outside, but damn it hurts. But that's for another time."

I just smile and nod at this as her happy expression returns. Over the loudspeakers, I hear a familiar voice echo through the room.

Six: " Will Y/N L/N please report to my office."

IQ: "Perfect! I can show you her office to complete the tour. I follow her to Six's office where there are two doors further down which I recognize. One being the interrogation room, and further down is Doc's office. I thank Monika and step into Six's office. By this point it was already dark outside, and the only light source was a computer on the center of a desk. The light aluminates Six's face as she looks up at me.

Am I a Killer? (Male Reader x R6S Females)Where stories live. Discover now